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    Obama Unleashes Feared And Crushing “Tytler Cycle” Upon America

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on September 28, 2009 at 6:20am
    in Current Affairs

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    A new report prepared for President Medvedev by the Russian Diplomatic
    Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs for his upcoming appearance at the
    Pittsburgh G-20 Summit is confirming the findings of Professor Igor
    Panarin who is warning that the collapse of the United States is but a
    couple of months away, and that by Obama becoming the first American
    President in history to chair the United Nations Security Council, the
    feared Tytler Cycle for the United States is now “confirmed”.

    The Tytler Cycle is a theory of democracies formulated by the Scottish
    historian Alexander Tytler that states:

    “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
    permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up
    until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves
    generous gifts from the public treasury.

    From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who
    promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that
    every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which
    is always followed by a dictatorship.

    The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning
    of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these
    nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    From bondage to spiritual faith;

    From spiritual faith to great courage;

    From courage to liberty;

    From liberty to abundance;

    From abundance to complacency;

    From complacency to apathy;

    From apathy to dependence;

    From dependence back into bondage.”

    And at 233-years-old since its declaration of independence from the
    British Empire, the United States falls perfectly into the Tytler Cycle
    parameters predicting it being on the very cusp of becoming a
    dictatorship that will enslave its peoples and force upon them a
    totalitarian fascist police state modeled on that of the former German
    Nazi Empire headed by the charismatic speaker, Adolph Hitler.

    So utterly has the United States destroyed itself, Obama has just warned
    the US Senate that they must raise their Nations debt ceiling to the
    staggering amount of $12 Trillion by mid-October, and which saddles each
    and every one of their citizens the obligation of paying to their
    countries debt holders over $38,000 a piece.

    Even worse for these Americans, the United Nations has now joined with
    Russia, China and Japan in calling for a new Global currency to replace
    the US Dollar in what they say is “broken confidence game” perpetrated
    upon our World by the West’s bankers and political elite who, according
    to the World Economic Forum (WEF), has rendered the US as “one of the
    most economically unstable Nation’s in the World”, and leading the WEF
    to report that Switzerland has now toppled the United States from its
    being the most competitive Nation on Earth.

    To how far these Americans have fallen from their once mighty spiritual
    beginnings, and further fulfilling the Tytler Cycle, one need only look
    at this past fortnights ruling by a US Marital Master who ordered a
    10-year-old home-schooled girl into government re-education due to her
    daring to defend her Christian faith with his stating, “vigorous defense
    of her religious beliefs to [her] counselor suggests strongly that she
    has not had the opportunity to seriously consider any other point of

    It is not hard at all to imagine the public uproar that would ensue in
    America if this order had been made against a child of Islamic or Jewish
    faith, but because it happened to a Christian girl the propaganda media
    organs in the US have deemed this reprehensible action not worthy of
    their Nations people knowing.

    But to the deeper, and utterly frightening, meaning behind the
    destruction of Christianity in the United States one must look back to
    the German Nazi Empire and the treaty they signed with the Vatican in
    1933 called the Reichskonkordat immediately after Hitler came to power,
    and which he stated its purpose about as being “especially significant
    in the struggle against international Jewry.”

    From the point of the Reichskonkordat taking effect, Hitler was able to
    create the “cult of leadership” surrounding him that we are now seeing
    duplicated in the United States with their President Obama, just like
    Hitler had done, is creating a “cult of followers” that puts him above
    the church. In just one example of how this “cult of followers” is being
    implemented, a shocking video was displayed to American schoolchildren
    wherein the top movie, music and sports celebrities in the US urge these
    children to “serve Obama” and “give him your spirit and allegiance”.
    Like Nazi Germany too, no objection from the Vatican can be heard over
    Obama being put forth to these children as an object to be worshiped and
    adored ahead of faith and spiritual values, but then again, it isn’t
    that all surprising as the current Roman Catholic leader, Pope Benedict
    XVI, was once a member of Hitler’s Youth himself.

    In another shocking example of the current Nazification of the United
    States, Obama has called for his Nation to create a mandatory “volunteer
    crop” of children and youths, with their own uniforms, to become, in his
    words, as “powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military
    forces”, and which is exactly modeled on Hitler’s establishment of the
    paramilitary Nazi Sturmabteilung, (German for ‘Storm detachment’ or
    ‘Assault detachment’ or ‘Assault section’), otherwise known as
    “Brownshirts” due to their distinctive uniforms.

    In all of these events, and too many more to contain in just one report,
    what remains most surprising is the American peoples continued ignorance
    about the Nazi cabal that is destroying their Nation, especially in
    light of the fact that these monsters haven’t even bothered to cover
    their historical tracks in conquering by stealth what once was the most
    powerful Nation on Earth.

    And the beginning of this “historical track” starts with a British
    Military trained South African named Frederick “Fritz” Joubert Duquesne
    [3rd photo left] who after his families farm was burnt to the ground,
    his sister murdered and his mother put into a British concentration camp
    during the Second Anglo-Boer War he devolved such a hatred for the
    United Kingdom he became the most important spy of the 20th Century, for
    both the American’s and the Nazi Germans.

    In 1910, Duquesne was “under orders” to assassinate the highly decorated
    American Chief of Scouts for the British Army, Frederick Russell
    Burnham, who was, likewise, “under orders to assassinate Duquesne,” but
    when they met in Washington D.C. during that year to lobby the US
    Congress to pass a bill in favor of the importation of African game
    animals into the United States (H.R. 23621) they became “fast friends”
    in what Soviet Archives document as the “sealing of the death of the
    United States”.

    So fast was this friendship that in 1933 Duquesne said of Burnham, “To
    my friendly enemy, Major Frederick Russell Burnham, the greatest scout
    of the world, whose eyes were that of an Empire. I once craved the
    honour of killing him, but failing that, I extend my heartiest

    So much did Burnham, likewise, admire Duquesne that he introduced him to
    the president of the Rocky Mountain Club, John Hays Hammond, who at the
    time was one of the most powerful of the American Robber Barons in a
    constant “state of war” against the American people and its republican
    form of government they despised and wanted to replace with a democracy
    so as better to control, and ultimately destroy the United States.

    Upon Hammond’s meeting Duquesne, and his learning of his, Duquesne’s
    deep hatred of the British, Hammond enlisted both Duquesne and Burnham
    to “retake” from British control his, Hammond’s, vast gold bullion
    reserves from his mines in South Africa’s Transvaal region, and which
    Soviet Archives state was valued at (in 1910 US Dollars) over $2

    Duquesne, now “under orders” from his new American “allies” returned to
    South Africa and “took command of one large shipment of gold that was to
    be sent by wagon to Lourenço Marques; however, the gold never made it to
    its destination. While in the jungles of Mozambique, a violent
    disagreement broke out among the Boers. When the struggle ended, only
    two wounded Boers and Duquesne, and the tottys (native porters),
    remained alive. Duquesne ordered the tottys to hide the gold in the
    Caves of Leopards for safekeeping, to burn the wagons, and to kill the
    two wounded Boers. He then gave the tottys all the oxen, except one
    which he rode away. What then happened to the gold remains a mystery.”

    According to Soviet Archive documents, however, Duquesne completed his
    “mission” for Hammond and safely delivered the gold to the United States
    where Hammond then joined with the powerful American politician and
    leader of the Republican Party in the US Senate, Nelson W. Aldrich,
    (Aldrich’s daughter, Abby, married John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the only
    son of John D. Rockefeller. Her son, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, served
    as Vice President of the United States under Gerald Ford) and top
    American bankers J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller to foist upon the
    American people the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which caused these people
    to lose control of their money supply and has allowed their economic
    collapses of 1929 and 2008, and all financed with the gold stolen from
    the British by Duquesne and turned over to Hammond.

    By the end of World War I this cabal had become so powerful that the
    American President of that time, Woodrow Wilson, said about them, “Since
    I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me
    privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce
    and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They
    know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so
    watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had
    better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of

    The worst, however, was yet to come for the American people who enraged
    this cabal by their electing as their President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
    and which thwarted the cabals “master plan” to create fascist
    dictatorships in both economically shattered Germany and the United
    States joined by these two Nations most powerful manufacturing, mining,
    industrial and banking interests.

    Where this cabal succeeded in having Adolph Hitler elected by the
    unsuspecting German people as their new chancellor in 1933, in the
    United States they attempted a coup d’état which is now referred to as
    The Business Plot, which, also in 1933, was only thwarted when US Marine
    Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (who remains the highest
    decorated US Marine in all of their history), whom these fascist coup
    plotters had chosen to lead their effort to overthrow the United States,
    turned them down and reported their plot to the American people and the
    US Congress.

    Unfortunately for the American people, these critical events of 1933
    have been kept from them due to these same coup plotters owning all of
    their propaganda news organization, school textbook makers, and now
    nearly all of their politicians.

    But, the “crumbs of truth” left behind by this fascist cabal since their
    creation by Hammond’s gold stolen by Duquesne are really not that hard
    to follow, and lead to the highest corridors of power in Washington D.C.
    today and where in the just the past 30 years they have managed to
    attain the very Presidency of the United States (George Bush, George W.
    Bush, William Clinton, and now Barack Obama) after their abortive
    attempt to have Nelson Rockefeller installed after their destruction of
    President Nixon in the early 1970’s.

    The two Bush President’s were put into power by this cabal due to their
    being the son and grandson of one of the original coup plotters, and the
    main American financier of these coup plotters to Adolph Hitler,
    Prescott Bush.

    William Clinton was put into power due to his being “trained” for
    fascist leadership as a Rhodes Scholar in the school set up for this
    purpose by the South African Cecil Rhodes, founder of the DeBeers
    diamond dynasty who long advocated the joining of Britain-Germany and
    the United States to “rule the World”. (Important to note is that
    Burnham was employed by Rhodes in his British South Africa Company as
    his, Rhodes, chief scout.) (Another important point to note is that
    Clinton, aside from being the second “fatherless” American President in
    the past 17 years, with Obama being the second one, is rumored to be a
    direct descendent of Rhodes.)

    Obama came to power through his family’s “connections” with the fascist
    coup plotter faction headed by the rabidly anti-semitic and staunch
    supporter of Adolph Hitler, Henry Ford, through his Ford Foundation
    which his, Obama’s, mother, Ann Dunham-Soetoro, worked for under the
    leadership of the Ford Foundation’s Asian director Peter F. Geithner in
    Indonesia, who is the father of the present US Treasury Secretary
    Timothy Geithner.

    Adolph Hitler was such an admirer of Henry Ford he modeled the Gestapo
    (contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei: "Secret State Police") after the
    much feared Ford Service Department known to be one of the most ruthless
    organizations in quelling labor unrest among American workers at Ford’s
    auto plants and Ford was charged with profiting from the forced labor
    scheme enacted by the Nazis.

    Prescott Bush was charged in 1942 under the “Trading with the Enemy Act”
    by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) following
    their 1941 infiltration and destruction of the cabals Duquesne Spy Ring
    (which remains to this day the largest espionage ring conviction in the
    history of the United States) but which though resulting in convictions
    did not lead to any executions and saw the ringleader, Duquesne, being
    released from prison in 1954 after having served only 13 years.

    Duquesne did two years later in 1956 at the age of 78, which by that
    time the cabal had succesfully “transferred” their most important
    “spies” to the Ford Foundation during and after World War II, including
    their Nazi ones through an operation called “Paperclip”, and though not
    known to the American people has long been known to be nothing more than
    a front for the CIA, and as we can, in part, read:

    “Between 1947 and 1966 the Ford Foundation played a key role in the
    network of US interference in Europe through the subvention of
    magazines, scientific programs and non-communist left-wing
    organizations. The largest philanthropic organization in the world was
    in fact providing a respectful facade for CIA financial and contact
    operations. This role was even more possible by the fact that the same
    persons designed and directed both organizations.”

    To what all of these sinister events have wrought upon the still
    sleeping American people as they near a destruction that has been long
    planned for them is, perhaps, best stated by Salon columnist Glenn
    Greenwald who recently wrote:

    “There was a time, not all that long ago, when the U.S. pretended that
    it viewed war only as a "last resort," something to be used only when
    absolutely necessary to defend the country against imminent threats. In
    reality, at least since the creation of the National Security State in
    the wake of World War II, war for the U.S. has been everything but a
    "last resort." Constant war has been the normal state of affairs. In
    the 64 years since the end of WWII, we have started and fought far more
    wars and invaded and bombed more countries than any other nation in the
    world — not even counting the numerous wars fought by our clients and
    proxies. Those are just facts. History will have no choice but to view
    the U.S. — particularly in its late imperial stages — as a war-fighting

    Not content with just arming themselves to the teeth, the United States
    has now become the largest maker and provider of weapons our World has
    ever seen with the latest reports showing that these Americans now
    control 68.4 percent of all business in the Global weapons market.

    The great American founding father, and their first President, George
    Washington warned his Nation’s future generations that “Government is
    not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a
    dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that it
    is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to
    dislodge them after they have got possession, and when the freedom of
    speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to
    the slaughter.”

    His words fell on deaf ears, and as the Tsar shocks and tear gas herd
    these witless Americans into the dark abyss of their gulag that shows
    this once great Nation now being the largest jailer our Earth has ever
    known, they only have themselves to blame.


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