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    Proof of the Oral Law or Instructions on How to Relieve Oneself

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on September 4, 2008 at 12:04pm
    in Forum

    The following article is courtesy of Nehemia Gordon who is a Karaite Jew

    Proof of the Oral Law


    Instructions on How to Relieve Oneself

    by Nehemia Gordon

    The basic Rabbanite argument which Karaite Jews are presented with over and
    over again, is how can we know how to perform the laws of the Torah without
    the detailed instructions contained in the Oral Law. For example, when the
    Torah tells us to build a Sukkah it does not inform us that the walls of the
    Sukkah must be taller than a certain minimum height and shorter than a
    certain maximum height.[1] These sophisticated and intricate details are
    only found in the Oral Law and without them we would not know how to
    properly keep the Torah. This is truly a convincing argument. Let us
    consider, for example, the laws surrounding the toilet. The Torah states:

    "there shall be an area for you outside the camp, where you may relieve
    yourself. With your gear you shall have a spike, and when you have squatted
    you shall dig a hole with it and cover up your excrement." (Dt 23:13-14

    So the Torah has a specific law about how to preserve the holiness of the
    army camp in which God walks (Dt 23:15). This is done by digging a hole and
    covering one's feces. Yet the Torah is completely silent on how to actually
    defecate! Surely God would not give such a law to Moses without detailed
    instructions of how to carry it out. Not surprisingly, these detailed
    instructions are actually preserved in the Oral Law! The following appears
    in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, a day-to-day practical guide on how to live
    according to the Oral Law, generally considered authoritative by Ashkenazic

    Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, "Chapter 5: Behavior on the Toilet and Laws of the
    Blessing "Who has created":

    "(Section 1) A person must make a habit of defecating in the evening and in
    the morning, which is quickness and cleanliness. If he is unable to
    defecate, he must walk four cubits, and then sit down and then stand up
    again until he is able to defecate, or he may distract himself with other
    things [in order to bring about defecation]. A person who refrains from
    relieving himself violates the commandment, "You shall not make yourselves
    abhorrent [by any bug that crawls on the ground]" (Lev 11:42). If he
    refrains from urinating when he needs to, he violates the commandment, "[You
    shall be blessed beyond all the nations;] there shall not be among you a
    barren man[, or a barren women, not even among your animals]" (Dt 7:14)."

    "(Section 2) A person must be modest in the bathroom. He must not uncover
    himself until he sit down, and even then he must limit himself by only
    uncovering what it is necessary to uncover, so as not to soil his clothing.
    He must be just as careful of this at night as during the day. If he
    defecates in an open place with no separating stalls, he must face southward
    with his backside to the north or vice versa, but it is forbidden to face
    east or west.[2] If there is a dividing stall he may face any direction as
    long as his backside is in the direction of the stall. One may urinate in
    any direction. One may not defecate in front of any person and it is even
    forbidden in front of a Gentile. Urination is permissible [in front of other
    people] even during the day in front of many people, if a person would
    endanger himself by holding back, but in any event he must urinate off to
    the side."

    "(Section 3) One may not defecate standing up, nor may one force oneself by
    pushing too much, so as not to tear the rectum.[3] One may not hurry in
    leaving the toilet, until it is certain that he does not need to defecate
    any more. When a person urinates standing, he must be careful not to spatter
    on his shoes or his clothing. A person must be very careful not to hold his
    circumcision in his hand."

    "(Section 4) It is forbidden to think about matters of Torah in the
    bathroom, therefore when a person is there, it is good to think about his
    business and finances, lest he end up thinking about Torah or God forbid
    thinking about sinfulness. On the Sabbath, when it is forbidden to think
    about business, a person should think about wonderful things which he has
    seen or heard and the like."

    "(Section 5) A person must be careful to wipe himself well, for if even a
    drop of feces remains on the rectum, he is forbidden to speak any holy
    matter. A person may not wipe with his right hand because he ties his
    phylacteries with it. A lefty should wipe with his left hand, because it is
    equivalent to the right hand of the majority of people."

    "(Section 6) Every time a person defecates or urinates, even a single drop,
    he must wash his hands with water and make the blessing "Who has created".
    If a person urinates or defecates but forgot to make the blessing "Who has
    created" and afterwards urinates or defecates a second time, and remembers
    that he forgot to make the blessing the first time, he still only needs to
    make the blessing once. A person who drinks a laxative and knows that he
    will need to defecate several times, should not make the blessing until he
    is completely finished."[4]

    Now in light of the above we Karaites must admit that there is truly no way
    to keep the Torah without the Oral Law. Without the Oral Law we might think
    it permissible to defecate in the woods facing east or west, while in
    actuality this is "forbidden" (אסור). Without the Oral Law we would not know
    that the solution to irregular bowel movements is walking four cubits, and
    we might end up walking 3 cubits or no cubits at all, thus remaining
    constipated indefinitely. Without the Oral Law we would not have the good
    sense to avoid pushing so hard so as to tear our rectums (this holy
    instruction actually originates in the Babylonian Talmud, Sabbath 82a).
    Without the Oral Law we would not know that when God blessed us with the
    blessing, "You shall be blessed beyond all the nations; there shall not be
    among you a barren man, or a barren women, not even among your animals" (Dt
    7:14) He really meant that we are forbidden to hold back when we feel the
    need to urinate. Without the Oral Law we would not know that when the need
    arises we are in fact required by our religion to urinate without delay,
    even in public (try telling that to a cop!).

    Of course, the Oral Law is vast and deep, so not surprisingly different
    rabbinical works contain slightly different instructions. Thus the Shulchan
    Aruch, the definitive legal compendium for all Rabbinic Jews (of which the
    previously quoted Kitzur Shulchan Aruch is an abridgement) , contains the
    following holy teaching:

    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayyim, Chapter 3 Section 3:

    "If a person wants to poke around in his rectum with a pebble[5] or a stick,
    in order to open up his cavities, he must poke around before he sits down,
    but may not poke around after he sits down, because this distances him from
    witchcraft [literally: 'because it is difficult on account of
    witchcraft'] ."[6]

    Surely we Karaites must concede that without the Oral Law we would be
    totally lost. The Torah commands us in Dt 18:10 "There shall not be found
    among you... one who practices witchcraft", but without the Oral Law we
    would not know the details of this commandment. Just think how many Karaites
    there are out there at this very moment falling into sin because they do not
    know that poking around in their rectum with a pebble while sitting (huh?!)
    can result in witchcraft. This holy teaching is already alluded to in the
    Babylonian Talmud, Sabbath 82a (see Rashi's explanation of the words
    "Because you do not wipe yourselves with potsherds").

    The Arba Turim, a more detailed compendium of Rabbinic law teaches us the
    blessing one must say upon entering the bathroom:

    Arba Turim, Orach Chayyim, Chapter 3:

    "When a person enters the bathroom he must say: "Be honored, O sublime
    angels,[7] servants of the Most High! Protect me! Protect me! Assist me!
    Assist me! Wait for me until I enter and leave, for thus is the way of human
    beings." In this manner must one say every time he enters."[8]

    Without the Oral Law we would not know to ask the angels for protection and
    help when we alleviate ourselves. Interestingly enough, later rabbinic
    authorities mention this blessing but explain that it no longer need be
    recited. I wonder how they survive the ordeal of the toilet without the
    protection of the holy angels? Of course, the fact that this blessing is no
    longer recited does not diminish from its sanctity, since the Rabbis teach
    that when two diametrically opposed opinions are stated in the Oral Law,
    "both these and those are the words of the living God" (Babylonian Talmud,
    Erubin 13b).

    [1] Judah Halevy, Kuzari 3:35
    [2] Maimonides explains that the prohibition to defecate facing east or west
    is because the Holy of Holies was located on the west side of the Temple
    (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Hilchot Bet HaBechirah 7:9).
    [3] Lit. "so that he not disconnect the rectal teeth". The Talmudic Rabbis
    believed the rectum was attached by three "teeth".
    [4] Lest someone think I am making up the above, I hereby append the
    original Hebrew text which can be easily authenticated:
    קיצור שולחן ערוך, "הנהגות בית הכסא ודיני ברכת אשר יצר": "[סעיף א] ירגיל את
    עצמו לפנות ערב ובוקר, שהוא זריזות ונקיות, אם אינו יכול לפנות, ילך ד' אמות,
    וישב ויעמוד עד שיפנה, או יסיח דעתו מדברים אחרים. המשהה נקביו עובר משום בל
    תשקצו ואם משהה מלהטיל מים בעת צרכו, עובר גם משום לא יהיה בך עקר. [סעיף ב]
    יהא צנוע בבית הכסא, לא יגלה את עצמו עד שישב, וגם אז יצמצם שלא לגלות רק מה
    שמוכרח לו לגלות, שלא לטנף את בגדיו, ויזהר בזה גם בלילה כמו ביום, אם נפנה
    במקום מגולה שאין שם מחיצות, יכוין שיהא פניו לדרום, ואחוריו לצפון, או איפכא,
    אבל בין מזרח למערב אסור, ואם יש מחיצה יכול לפנות בכל ענין אם אחוריו לצד
    המחיצה. ולהשתין מותר בכל ענין. לא יפנה בפני שום אדם, ואפילו בפני עכו"ם אסור,
    אבל להשתין מותר, אפילו ביום בפני רבים, ואם צריך לכך, משום דאיכא סכנה אם
    יעצור את עצמו, ומכל מקום יש לו להסתלק לצדדין. [סעיף ג] לא יפנה בעמידה, ולא
    יאנס לדחוק עצמו יותר מדאי, שלא ינתק שיני הכרכשתא ולא ימהר לצאת מבית הכסא, עד
    אשר ברור לו שאינו צריך עוד, וכשמטיל מים בעמידה, ישגיח שלא ינתזו על מנעליו
    ובגדיו. ויזהר מאוד, שלא לאחוז בידיו במילתו.[סעיף ד] בבית הכסא אסור להרהר
    בדברי תורה, לכן בהיותו שמה, טוב שיהרהר בעסקיו ובחשבנותיו, שלא יבא לידי הרהור
    תורה או הרהור עבירה חס ושלום. ובשבת שאין להרהר בעסקיו, יהרהר בדברים נפלאים
    שראה ושמע וכדומה.[סעיף ה] יזהר לקנח את עצמו יפה, כי אם יש לו אפילו משהו צואה
    בפי הטבעת, אסור לו לומר שום דבר שבקדושה. לא יקנח ביד ימין מפני שקושר בה
    התפילין, ואיטר יד, יקנח בשמאל דידיה, שהיא ימין של כל אדם. [סעיף ו] בכל פעם
    שנפנה או שמטיל מים, ואפילו רק טפה אחת, ירחוץ ידיו במים ויברך ברכת אשר יצר.
    אם הטיל מים או נפנה, ושכח מלברך אשר יצר, ואחר כך שוב הטיל מים או נפנה, ונזכר
    שבראשונה לא בירך, אינו צריך לברך רק פעם אחת. ומי ששותה סם המשלשל ויודע
    שיצטרך לפנות כמה פעמים, לא יברך עד לאחר הגמר."
    [5] Jastrow p.856b translates, "stimulate the rectum with pebbles".
    [6] Again, I reproduce the Hebrew original lest someone think I am making
    this up:
    שולחן ערוך, אורח חיים סימן ג: "אם רוצה למשמש בפי הטבעת בצרור, או בקיסם,
    לפתוח נקביו, ימשמש קודם שישב ולא ימשמש אחר שישב, מפני שקשה לכשפים."
    [7] Lit. "holy ones", often an epithet for angels, even in the Tanach, e.g.
    Ps 89:8.
    [8] ארבע טורים, אורח חיים סימן ג: "ובכניסתו לבית הכסא יאמר התכבדו מכובדים
    קדושים משרתי עליון שמרוני שמרוני עזרוני עזרוני המתינו לי עד שאכנס ואצא שכן
    דרכן של בני אדם וכן יאמר בכל פעם שיכנס"

    LOL! Wouldn't this be the anal law? Oy Vey! Gordon's article is more of a reason why we don't need the "oral law" Common sense should be sufficient on how to defecate.

    If you've read Khomeini's Little Green Book you'll see that radical Muslims have similar superstitions - they must not, for example, ever face Mecca while defacating, must use smooth stones to wipe their sphincters, and so forth.

    stick and stones may tear my ^%$@ but talmud can never hurt me? Haven't these guys ever heard of corn husks? This makes even the French look civilized!

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