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    Homeward-Bound - Steps into Torah and Kingdom Citizenship

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on November 14, 2008 at 12:40am
    in Forum

    I felt moved to share with everyone a sermon I gave last year as a reminder of where we are headed and the importance to get out of the Western mindset.


    Sermons Series 3:106, 11 August 2007

    We continue this morning with last week's theme of the work of the Ruach haRishon on the heart that has been born again by Yahweh. Earlier we looked at the events surrounding the 'Gentile Pentecost' at Caesarea which were every bit as dramatic as the ones which had taken place amongst the Judahites in Jerusalem. We have seen how the heart that is truly born again speaks supernaturally in tongues of praise, whether in one's native language or another one, which is very different from its psychic counterpart. Because the heart is so much lifted up into a higher dimension of awareness I suppose one could call it 'ecstatic' to begin with simply because it is so 'unknown' - hence there is a sense in which our praises may be said to be an 'unknown tongue' (since it's so unfamiliar to us) much as a foreign language that we don't understand is.

    I remember the first time I heard Ukrainian and Russian being spoken when I visited the Ukraine in 1992. There wasn't a word I could understand except maybe 'da' and 'niet' - 'Yes' and 'No' and a few place names. I had two guides there - one couldn't speak a word of English and we had to struggle in broken German - and another on whom I became totally dependent who could speak English well. It was a very 'strange' experience, not at all 'comfortable', and yet I knew I was there because Yahweh had sent me. Indeed, He had prophetically shown me in vision some events that would happen and a woman I would meet, all of which was fulfilled exactly (OB 350). Had I not had a translator I am sure I would have needed the gift of tongues. Most of the people I met did not speak English at all because under Soviet times English was not considered an important language - naturally, the Soviets wanted to Russify the world. Most of the time I was not with my translator, who had a job at the polytechnic and had to work, so I was with the family of my host who spoke Ukrainian the whole time and had to gesture to me to be understood. However, I was where Yahweh wanted me to be for those two weeks and so my personal 'comfort' was not an issue. My being in His will was. When I needed to witness, translators were always provided.

    Having immersed myself in Acts 10-11 for three days the Ruach took me back to the Judahite version of the 'Caesarea New Birth' which we commonly call the 'Pentecost Experience'. This occurred on Yom Shleshi (Tuesday) in the evening and following morning. I knew that He wanted me to revisit my rebirthing experience back in 1977 before I took the disastrous wrong turning into Mormonism and got deflected off my main calling in life. In particular I was led to Peter's long sermon beginning at Acts 2:14. These, unlike the gentiles of Cornelius' house, were Torah-observant Judahites who were in bondage to Talmudism. The Council at Jerusalem would later begin the process of introducing the new gentile converts to the Torah so that they could demonstrate their love for Yah'shua by obeying the commandments and live the perfect lifestyle (Jn.14:15). After prayerful consideration, given their circumstances in a very pagan culture where idolatry was rampant, the apostolic council, under the leadership of James, was led by the Ruach haQodesh to start the gentiles off by requiring them to obey some basic mitzvot:

    "It is my judgement, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to Elohim. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath" (Acts 15:19-21, NIV).

    The first gentile converts were already converts to Judaism and were attending synagogue and hearing Moses preached and taught to them. When Paul and the other apostles were thrown out of the synagogues, they had to teach gentiles who had had no exposure to Moses or the Torah at all. So where were the apostles to start? What were they to teach them? Interestingly enough, of the four 'starters', three were connected with the kashrut laws of eating kosher food. And it frankly amazes me that even in these basics modern Christians are not taught to obey! How many Christians abstain from eating blood the way it is taught in Torah? Apart from Messianics, I have never met one who obeys this instruction of the Jerusalem Council. And yet it was revealed by the Ruach and placed in Sacred Scripture for us to obey. The forth concerns "sexual immorality". For these Greeks this would have meant obeying the 6th Commandment not to commit adultery and fornication - being true to one's marriage partner, being celibate as a single - stopping pedophiliac and homosexual activity (which were common in that culture as it sadly is in ours) and following all the other mitzvot on sexual cleanliness. Then, as today, the Ruach pointed out the two most important areas for new converts to get working on after conversion of the heart to Yah'shua:

    1. Dietary practice; and
    2. Sexual behaviour

    Following kashrut and living chaste lives were THE major concerns of Yahweh after conversion. Why? Now, most of us with common sense know how important sexual purity is - we know how devastating adultery and breaking up marriages are and how much Yahweh hates these things, but why such emphasis on food?! What about the Seven Festivals or the Sabbath? Well, from what Peter says in v.21, it would seem that assembling on the Sabbath was taken for granted:

    "For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath".

    One of the first things new converts did was to gather every Sabbath for fellowship, worship and instructions so it would be fair to say that the fifth requirement of the Council was Sabbath observance, though they did not underline it because evidently these new believers were already observing that particular mitzvah. And it's quite possible that they were observing other ones too even though these are not mentioned.

    James' concern was that Torah-observant believers should "not make it difficult for the Gentiles", not because observing the Torah is unimportant or too hard, but because remaining alive in the Ruach was the most important thing of all. He did not want the Ruach quenched (1 Thes.5:19). One of the great dangers is to so overwhelm new believers with Torah that they end up believing that in order to be saved from sin they must be obedient. Staying linked to the Source of Eternal Life through trust is the most important thing - without it, Torah-observance can become mere ritual without life, and what then happens is that new believers start trying to earn their salvation and forget that it is a free gift.

    Michael Wells in his brilliant book, Sidetracked in the Wilderness, relates a true story that illustrates this problem:

    "One day while I was sharing with a woman, the [Ruach haQodesh] brought her to the certainty that she wanted to receive [Yah'shua] into her life. After she prayed and asked [Him] to enter in, I suggested that she bow her head, shut everything out, look within where [Yah'shua] was now dwelling, listen for His voice, and then tell me what He told her. Before long there was this wide smile on her face; He had told her that she was acceptable to Him and that he loved her. No sooner had she gotten the words out of her mouth than her countenance changed and she began to cry. I told her to stop right there. I said, 'This is what you just heard: I must work to please [Yahweh], but I know that I will fail Him, and soon he will be displeased with me'. She looked astonished and affirmed my statement. I then told her that it was not so! The truth was that she was pleasing top [Yahweh] already, and she was to work not for His favour, but because she already had it. I explained about the voice of the Shepherd that she first heard and the voice of the Butcher (Satan); she could readily tell the difference between the two. I was happy that she had only been a believer for a few minutes and had distinguished between the two, something that many who have been believers for years have yet to discern." 1

    The typical reaction of new Messianics is to try to please Yahweh by obeying Torah for fear of losing His favour or not being loved anymore. This is fatal. We must obey Torah because we know that we are loved and accepted, and want to please Him in that love and acceptance, not in order to retain it.

    Counterbalanced against this error is the danger of assuming that since we are saved by faith that we don't need to be obedient anymore and we can treat the commandments as a moment-for-moment taste rather than an absolute requirement of the Most High. We must neither be legalistic - trying to be saved through obedience to law - nor antinomian - rejecting the commandments to suit ourselves. Both positions are dangerous and lead to a breakdown in our relationship with Yahweh and to apostasy from the truth.

    One of the problems we have with the New Testament is that it does not give us the full picture of what was going on 'behind the scenes'. It mostly concerns itself with the main message of salvation - trusting in the resurrected and risen Messiah - and in correcting heresy caused by the influence of pagan thought and religion. It is not concerned about testifying to the truth of Torah-obedience because that was already 'taken'. The New Testament relates the constant battles to be fought and won when discipling new converts in a pagan or neo-pagan society like our own. That is one reason the believers met together every day to counter this negative, demonic influence. Learning the apostolic doctrine (teaching), fellowshipping, eating together and praying together were the four main defining principles of their lives (Ac.2:42). These are essential if we live and work in a society whose spiritual influence will continually be drawing us away from the truth. When new believers forsake gathering with fellow believers they soon grow cold and apostatise. Paul saw the dangers and wrote:

    "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Heb.10:22-25, NIV).

    This is particularly important for new converts but no less important for maturer ones either. We need each other. It is so easy to drift and be leavened by those who are not born again and who follow false philosophies. By fellowshipping with true believers who love Yah'shua and Torah, we partake of the Tree of Life because we all share in the same baptism of the Ruach - but when we fellowship with unregenerated believers or unbelievers we become leavened by them and start eating of the Tree of Death - the Tree of the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Because their hearts are unregenerated, their life is in their brains - their thoughts are not "fixed on Yah'shua" (Heb.3:1), they are not praising Him but are His enemies viewing Him through dead intellectualism with its maze of contradictory and confusing teachings, whose hearts do not seek to obey the Master but to break - and encourage others to experiment with - His commandments. They may seem 'wise' but as it is written:

    "Yahweh knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile" (1 Cor 3:20, NIV; cp. Ps.94:11).

    Who is currently counselling you? To whom do you turn for advice? Are they regenerated believers who have been baptised in the Ruach and whose hearts are full of spontaneous praise? Do they love and obey the commandments, talking about and rejoicing in them daily, or are they lawless? Or are they of the world? If they are not born again, if they are lawless, or if they are enemies of the cross, and you turn to them, you will be destroyed by them by gradual osmosis or leavening. You will become like them, forsaking the truth, and drift into darkness.

    I really do feel for new converts but I feel much the same for even mature believers who decide to venture out into the world to 'explore' as Eve did when she decided to forsake the Tree of Life, yield to her curiosity at what she might be 'missing' in her life, and inspect the Tree of Death a little more closely. Curiosity not only killed the cat but it ruined the human race as well. What often happens is that, first of all, Paul is twisted because, as Peter noted, he was not always easy to understand:

    "[Paul's] letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:16, NIV).

    These people, moreover, will not tell you the whole counsel of Yahweh as the apostles did and as true ministers today do:

    "For I (Paul) have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of Elohim" (Acts 20:27, NKJV).

    They pick and choose scriptures, taking them out of context in order to support their perverse anti-biblical doctrines and teachings. Beware of anyone who does not adhere to the whole Bible and seek to obey it. There are Christians who reject everything written before the Day of Pentecost, including the Gospels, though they'll not be as direct about saying it as I am. There are those who only accept the Book of Acts. There are those Ebionites who reject Paul's writings. And, of course, there are those who reject the Old Testament. I know one family which believes that they alone have the truth and that all other Christians are wrong. They're a one-family cult. There are others like them. Their 'church' is their family. Unfortunately for them, to be a true, complete believer, you not only have to be born again but you have to be grafted into Israel. You have to become a Messianic Israelite, obeying Torah and abiding Yahweh's lifestyle. He doesn't expect new converts to do this all at once, as He revealed through James, but that is the goal; and anyone who would teach another Gospel is anathema - cursed:

    "If anyone does not love Yahweh, let him be accursed" (1 Cor.16:22, NASB).

    I bet that scripture sits uncomfortably with some of you. What do you suppose Paul is doing? Going around cursing all unbelievers? Is that understanding consistent with his message over all? No it isn't. Paul had so much love for people, like his Master Yah'shua, that he was willing to be imprisoned, beaten, tortured and finally beheaded to get the message of redemption out to them. So what are we to do? Consider the context. Paul is not speaking to unbelievers but to the believers at the rebellious congregation called Corinth where, amongst other things, all the false tongues and most of the other heresies originated that have led to charismatic churchianity. So what does he mean about "not loving Yahweh"? Simple:

    "If you love Me (Yah'shua), you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever - the Ruach (Spirit) of truth" (John 14:15-17, NIV).

    Listen! Learn this vital lesson! If you say you love Yah'shua - if you feel you love Yah'shua, but disobey His commandments, what does He say He will do? He won't send you the spirit of truth - you will, rather, because you choose to be lawless, receive a very different spirit which will lead you into more and more lawlessness. You will be deceived and Yahweh will permit it because you made a choice not to obey the mitzvot. It doesn't matter what you have experienced up until the point you choose not to obey any longer. It doesn't matter that you were born again and were regenerated in your heart. It doesn't matter that you are praising someone called 'Yahweh', 'Yah'shua', 'God', 'the Lord', 'Jehovah' or 'Jesus' if you refuse to obey, because if that is the choice you have made, then you will be led into error. Guaranteed, because He says so. Paul said:

    "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thess.2:9-12, KJV).

    Is it possible to be a Christian and have "pleasure in unrighteousness"? Of course! Every time we reject a commandment and choose to live in a way that is contrary to it, and get some sort of perverse pleasure from it, we are taking pleasure in evil. There are millions of Christians who do this! But it doesn't make them very 'Christian', does it? Just look at the rules established by the Council of Jerusalem for the first gentile believers: "abstain from ... sexual immorality". How many Christians do you know who are fornicating and committing adultery? Are they "abstaining from sexual immorality"? Of course not!

    You cannot be filled with the Ruach haQodesh and be speaking the true language of praise AND BE WILFULLY BREAKING THE COMMANDMENTS. It is one thing to be ignorant but when you know the truth, and you deliberately rebel, then your praises - if you are still praising Yahweh - will be of a false spirit. Most stop praising altogether and slip back into their former spiritually lifeless paganism or atheism. You can't separate true faith in Yah'shua - and the anointing of the Ruach that accompanies it - from obeying the Torah. Impossible. And if you think you can, you are deceived.

    There are, of course, some favourite scriptures that lawless believers love to quote. One of them, which used to baffle me for many years, was this one:

    "Everything is permissible for me - but not everything is beneficial" (1 Cor.6:12, NIV).

    The way lawless and rebellious believers twist this scripture is as follows: they say that "we are not under law and rules anymore and so we can do whatever we like. But obviously not everything is beneficial, so we mustn't do anything that would harm us or others." The trouble with this wicked lie is that it then makes what is "not harmful for others" a totally subjective thing. In fact, this doctrine is OCCULTISM - it's the creed of WICCA known as the Rede- the nature religion - which says:

    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

    Or put into modern English: "Do what you will, so long as it harms no-one". It sounds very noble but it's so vague that it can be used to promote almost any religion you like because ultimately it's you who decides what is harmful or not. To see the fallacy of this teaching, just ask 50 people on the street what they consider to be harmful and you will get some agreement in some very general areas, but when it comes to specifics - like sexual morality, for example - you will find considerable disagreement. Gardner, who popularised Wicca in the 1950's, ended up writing 161 laws to 'clarify' the Rede. Inevitably. What Wiccans won't tell you, though, is that he made up the Rede himself which he adapted from devil-worshipper, sexual pervert and murderer Aleister Crowley which he attempted to 'tame'. Cowley's motto was: "Do what you want shall be the whole law". The late Anton LeVey, who founded the Church of Satan, would have agreed with him. Wicca is just sanitised Satanism just as antinomianism (lawlessness) is satanised Messianism. Antinomianism is existentialism - 'what you experience is the truth' - your experiences can't be measured against any law because it's 'your truth'. Let's get real - it's Satanism in one of its thousands of guises.

    When Yahweh summed up the commandments into the Two Great Commandments, He wasn't dismissing His laws and giving every believer the authority to just "follow his heart" because He says the heart is desperately deceptive and wicked and is not a reliable guide:

    "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I Yahweh search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve" (Jer.17:9-10, NIV).

    Instead, He predicted that when the New Covenant came the Torah would be written on the believer's heart so that he would obey the written Torah naturally and spontaneously because it would be an integral part of his new or regenerated nature in Messiah (Jer.31:33). He was summarising, not replacing. Paul knew this. So what did he mean when he said: "Everything is permissible for me"? It is best we examine this a bit closer. But before I quote the rest of this passage, think back on what James told the first gentile converts to do in respect of Torah - and you will find this very interesting:

    "'Everything is permissible for me' - but not everything is beneficial. 'Everything is permissible for me'- but I will not be mastered by anything. 'Food for the stomach and the stomach for food' - but Elohim will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Master, and the Master for the body" (1 Cor.6:12-13, NIV).

    Do you see? Paul is teaching the first principles of Torah to the gentiles as revealed by the Ruach haQodesh through the presiding apostle, James. But this is not all. Did you know that Paul singles out two particular things which false believers abuse and called them "doctrines of demons"? Do you know what they are? Have a guess!

    "Now the Ruach expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which Elohim created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of Elohim is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of Elohim and prayer" (1 Tim.4:1-5, NKJV).

    So here we have again issues of food and of sexual immorality - same themes but new variations. It seems Satan is fond of messing in these two areas. In the first, men and women influenced by lying demons, start forbidding people to marry, saying either marriage itself is somehow 'dirty' or 'sinful' or declaring Yahweh's servants like Abraham or David to be 'adulterers' for having had more than wife. Then there is another kind of deceiver who says that some kosher foods are forbidden, included in which are the 'vegetarian-only' people who declare that eating meat is sinful. Since Yahweh seems to lay such emphasis on food and sexual morality, and since Satan seems to deliberately target them, then obviously they're important. Get these two doctrines wrong and we would appear to be in serious trouble.

    To get them right, we need to precisely know Yahweh's kashrut and marriage laws and it is for this reason that in this ministry we have gone to a lot of trouble to examine them. Needless to say, examining the plain biblical truth about them excites a lot of hostility not only from pagans and atheists but also from lawless believers. What the pagans and atheists do is up to them - Yahweh says in His Word that judging them is not my responsibility, but His. If they want to be sexually immoral and eat unkosher food, it's none of my concern unless they start trying to force it on me, my family, or on fellow born-again Bible-true believers under my watch care. Then, as far as I am concerned, they might as well have started a nuclear holocaust because Yahweh has commissioned me and every true believer to GUARD His Torah. Why is that important? Because if I don't, then demons will write lawlessness into my heart and I will end up desiring and cleaving to that which is unlawful, antichrist, and satanic, and that I refuse to do.

    "'Everything is permissible' - but not everything is beneficial. 'Everything is permissible' - but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others" (1 Cor.10:23-24, NIV).

    Thus Paul repeats himself a few chapters on, adding that the goal is not seeking our own good but the good of others. So why does he say, "Everything is permissible" when clearly it is not?

    Well, we can look at this in two ways. First, we can look at it in terms of free agency. Yahweh gives us free will. We are free to obey or disobey. It is permissible to sin but it will not bless us or others. That's certainly a possibility though I can see how wording himself this way could lead to misunderstanding. Even the Amplified Version struggles with this passage:

    "All things are legitimate - permissible, and we are free to do anything we please; but not all things are helpful (expedient, profitable and wholesome). All things are legitimate, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life]" (1 Cor.10:23-24, AmpV).

    The latter expansion is sound but the first part does not rest well - it certainly doesn't harmonise with what Moses and Yah'shua said. The translator is in effect making Paul say that lawlessness is fine provided you don't harm anyone! That's Wiccan doctrine! In the 6th chapter, where Paul first talks about this, and a few verses up, Paul is specifically warning against lawlessness:

    "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of Elohim? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of Elohim" (1 Cor.6:9-10, NIV).

    Then he reminds the former Corinthian pagans that they were originally in this category but that they were now

    "washed ... you are now kadosh (holy, set-apart) ... you are declared to be a tzadik (a righteous, justified one) in the Name of the Master Yah'shua, and by the Ruach of our Elohim" (v.11, RSTNE).

    And before this Paul is complaining because these Corinthian brethren were quarrelling with each other and even going to court over these squabbles instead of fixing matters internally. They were going to unbelievers to get disputes resolved - in secular courts of law! (vv.1-8). Indeed, they were cheating each other just like they were before they were converted. In other words, between the time they were regenerated and born again - between the time they were filled with the Ruach haQodesh and were speaking in tongues of genuine praise - something had happened such that Torah was no longer written on their hearts. Somehow they had started abandoning the faith and reverting to their old psychic way of life again.

    It has been suggested by some that the "all things are permitted to me" are the grey areas not forbidden in Torah which, though not forbidden, are not profitable either. If so, why does Paul say "all things" instead of "some things"? I don't believe this is the correct explanation. Rather, I prefer the Aramaic rendering which says:

    "Everything is empowered to me, but everything is not profitable to me. Everything is empowered to me, but no man will have power over me ... Everything is empowered to me, but not everything is profitable; everything is empowered to me, but not everything edifies" (1 Cor.6:9-10; 10:23, HRV).

    In other words, I have power - by virtue of the life force within me - to choose to be lawful or lawless. Those things which are lawful will not only benefit me but my neighbour as well because they are within Yahweh's fence of safety and blessing. I have the power to abuse, commit adultery, steal, and profane, but none of those things edifies or builds up either me or others. Paul is saying that I have the power to do anything I want to but such will not make me a tzadik - it will not make me righteous. Indeed, it will exclude me from the Kingdom of Elohim and pave my passage to hell.

    When you are filled with the Ruach haRishon - when you are born again - your whole world changes. Like young people who think that the whole world is laying out there waiting for them to take it, when the Ruach fills and animates you, everything and anything seems possible. But the Ruach haRishon - wonderful though She is - is not our only Teacher. Wisdom has seven pillars (Prov.9:1) and each of the Seven Ruachs (Spirits) of Elohim (Rev.3:1) has different functions. It is wonderful to be filled with Life but there is disciplining and maturing to follow. We soon discover that it isn't "my life" but His - and that the 'infinite possibilities' that we were shown in our New Birth are not, in reality, all ours. Yahweh has one way mapped for us - a very finite way indeed, one which we are not inclined to like or appreciate at first but which - because of the divine imposition of self-limitation - teaches us the patience needed to mature into the fullness of our potential. Thus after asking Peter three times whether he loved Him or not, Yah'shua said:

    "I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go" (John 21:18, NIV).

    Was this bad? Was this 'thing' that would happen to him when he would be older be detrimental to his interests? To the worldly man or woman, yes - apparently very detrimental - but then the worldly person does not have the mind of Elohim. But then we are blinded by the prince of this world still (2 Cor.4:4; Jn.12:31), to one degree or another, and fail to understand that Yahweh always knows what is best for us, and not the beggarly wisdom of man (Gal.4:9):

    "Yah'shua said this to him to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify Elohim. Then he said to him, 'Follow me!'" (John 21:19, NIV).

    You see, the question really is this: are you living your life to glorify yourself or to glorify Him? Who or what are you living for? Are you prepared to accept that glorifying Him may lead to some or even considerable discomfort in the sort term or even most of your life? Do you think the apostle Paul had a 'comfortable' life? And if this happens, will you accept and believe that in the long term that this will bring you blessings incomparable? To an unbeliever, such a notion is insanity because they do not have the bigger vision; and even though our vision is minuscule compared to Yahweh's, it is bigger than theirs.

    I have wasted a lot of time in my life and I don't want to do it any more. I have hurt people and I don't want to hurt anyone else. I have made many mistakes that I don't want to repeat. I am in search of the Valley of Achor. I am more or less reconciled to trial and tribulation in the world around me - I don't expect to find a haven of peace in this world until the Master comes back - but I do now insist on finding the haven within. It is written:

    "I (Yahweh) will bring forth descendants from Jacob, and from Judah those who will possess My mountains; My chosen people will inherit them, and there will My servants live. Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek Me" (Isa.65:9-10, NIV).

    Though this is a literal valley in the Promised Land, it is also the state of being of those who trust in El Elyon and His Son Yah'shua and love to do His Torah. I would be insane not to follow the King of Love, wouldn't I? Why should I let vanity and passion lead me by the nose into disaster? Why should I allow a desire for creature comforts and desire lead me away from Yahweh and into spiritual sleep? Yahweh warns:

    "But as for you who forsake Yahweh, and forget My holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny, I will destine you for the sword, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in My sight and chose what displeases Me" (Isa.65:11-12, NIV - also see vv.13-15).

    What does it mean to "spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny"? Trusting in luck? Believing in fate? Taking a long shot? Playing a lone hand? That's what you do when you get into 'party mode' as Israel did in the Wilderness when they forsook Moses and Yahweh. Remember? The fools! And yet those who call themselves 'Christians' are doing it in ever greater gay abandon. And it is abandonment - not to Yahweh and the safety of His Law, but to Fate in the name of a bogus 'freedom' which promises everything and gives nothing. It results in a sword through the heart (Jer.4:10; Lk.2:35). Wake up! Don't fall for that old lie, don't hand Satan your life on a platter - don't make your body, your mind and your heart a meal for him. Let Yahweh prepare His table for you instead and bless you! (Ps.23:5) Why let yourself be raped and ravaged by Satan the Devourer? Don't gamble your eternity away!

    "'I will punish her for the days she burned incense to the Baals; she decked herself with rings and jewellery, and went after her lovers, but Me she forgot,' declares Yahweh" (Hos.2:13, NIV).

    Why turn to the enemies of your soul when the Lover of Your Soul promises you this:

    "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. 'In that day,' declares Yahweh, 'you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call Me 'My master'" (Hos.2:14-16, NIV).

    Are you willing to be taken into the desert for this blessing? For if you are seeking a fertile and green plain in order to hear the tenderness of Yahweh's words to you, you will not hear them. If you're going to run as Elijah did from Jezebel, at least go to Mount Sinai and hear what the Master has to say. At least don't go back to the world. Then Yahweh can return you home and use you, and bless you and your household.

    The easy way, the short-cut, another door into the sheepfold, does not exist:

    "Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on Yahweh out of a pure heart. Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And Yahweh's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that Elohim will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Tim.2:22-26, NIV).

    These words I share not just for young people but for those older people who are young of heart too. There are many temptations to lure the youthful heart that listens to the lie of Satan that Yahweh has somehow denied them something good. That's what the serpent said to Eve. Don't be deceived.

    Many of us have had some big shocks this last year, some real and some imaginary. Not only have I seen pillars of the faith tumble and fall along with the weaker ones but I myself came to the very edge of the pit leading to hell. Every now and then I get its whiff and recoil. The dimensions of the Third Wave were far, far greater than I ever dreamed. I have witnessed Yahweh's hand reaching into the very depths of the soul. This, I believe, is in preparation for a major move of the Ruach which is imminent world-wide which will result in an even more pronounced separation of the wheat from the tares as the tares are more starkly revealed. In my overconfidence I never dreamed how much I would be shaken. Like the famous missionary, Hudson Taylor, who served faithfully as a doctor and evangelist in China in the 19th century, founding the England-China Inland Mission, I discovered that despite the fact that I had consecrated my whole life to Yahweh that my own heart was far darker than I could ever have imagined. Like Taylor, my request from all of you is simple: pray for me!

    continued in Part 2...

    Part 2

    Brethren and sisters, nobody except the liars ever said that this life would be easy. Mortality is not a vacation, it is not a summer camp - we delude ourselves if we approach it in that way. It's a red hot crucible for the reformation and purification of souls for those who love Yahweh and who seek His Kingdom. For the rest it's a playground or a waiting room, both of which lead to hell. And I will not deceive you like the Kingdom-Now advocates who say that things will get better in the world. And though I wish their message were true and that I could be the harbinger of good news for the world round about us, it isn't. Yahweh's people are going to be a persecuted minority in Christendom so-called, and its worst betrayers are going to be those who name the Name of Christ as their own and be our own flesh-and-blood. We have to adjust to that reality and prepare.

    We have only one life. You were born at this time for a reason. You'll never get this chance again, there is no reincarnation, no re-testing. If you don't get it right in this life it'll be too late. So don't postpone your repentance. Don't suddenly abandon Yahweh and His security for a gamble with Fortune and Destiny. Don't put your life on the satanic roulette-wheel in the hope you'll strike rich. You have about as much chance of finding happiness that way as you have of winning a trillion dollars on the Lottery. Don't be deceived by Satan's glitter and his seductive lies. And don't listen to His agents who are already in hell and simply want to take you with them. Don't hide behind the other lie that ministers like myself are just trying to give you a false guilt-trip to frighten you into heaven. This is real. And I am only saying this because of where I have been. I simply don't want you to go there.

    The last month has been a personal hell for me but it has also been a time of a tremendous awakening. In the last two weeks, Yahweh has been taking me on a journey of spiritual rediscovery. He has been waking me up at the crack of dawn and opening the Scriptures to me in a new and exciting way as I examine myself and the things that are getting in the way between myself and a fuller relationship with Him. On the evening of Yom Revee (Tuesday night) I struggled with the realisation that I was still leaning too heavily on the arm-of-flesh, and in particular, on the counsel of others in areas where it was my responsibility to get revelation from Him alone. As I began to cut the ungodly dependencies which were claiming sovereignty on my life - dependencies which belonged exclusively to Yahweh - the enemy would surface and I would enter into spiritual battle and hand everything over to Yah'shua until I got release and shalom.

    During that night I was taken down a most beautiful avenue with trees in full blossom on either side arching over the way. It was a journey down into the past where Yahweh has called me to make reconciliation and shalom with those who have become estranged who also want to make shalom. The process is under way and very gratifying. The next morning of Yom Revee (Wednesday) Yahweh took me back to chapters 2 and 3 in Acts and to the Day of Pentecost - again - and to Peter's discourse to those who had witnessed the spiritual endowment of the first believers. Again, His message to me was crystal clear: the message given by Peter in Jerusalem and in Caesarea was to always be the primary witness not only of this ministry but all genuine works of Elohim. Many things that He had taught me in the past about the United Order and marriage in particular, came into even sharper focus. My eyes fell particularly on these verses:

    "And they steadfastly persevered, devoting themselves constantly to the instruction and fellowship of the apostles, to the breaking of bread [sharing meals together] and prayers. And a sense of awe (reverential fear) came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were performed through the apostles - the special messengers. And all who believed - that is, who adhered to and trust in and relied on Yah'shua the Messiah - were united, and together they had everything in common; And they sold their possessions [both their landed property and their movable goods] and distributed the price among all, according as they had need. And day after day they regularly assembled in the temple with united purpose, and in their homes they broke bread [sharing meals together] . They partook of their food with gladness and simplicity and GENEROUS HEARTS, constantly praising Elohim and being in favour and goodwill with all the people, and Yahweh kept adding [to their number] daily those who were being saved (from spiritual death)" (Ac.2:42-47, AmpV).

    Go into any church today and read or study this passage and Christians will give numerous excuses as to why this state of spiritual affairs is not to be found today. There are all the excuses that have crystallised out into inviolable denominational positions such as that these things were "just for that time and not for now so that the church could be established". Lie. This is how it is supposed to be always. The fact of the matter is that this kind of lifestyle just is not compatible with out selfish philosophy of life which underscores the importance of individualism and egocentricity over corporate effort, of worth in terms of personal achievement instead of family relationships, or 'me and mine' over 'ours', because the Commonwealth of Israel has been replaced by 'the church' which for the most part is a Sunday morning-only affair instead of a daily fellowship revolving around Yah'shua and the Torah.

    Brian Knowles 2 makes some important comparisons between Western thought and lifestyle (which dominates church attitudes) and Hebraic or Biblical thought and lifestyle which lie at the very heart of what we as Messianic Israelites stand for and try to live (see table below). As William Barret in his book, Irrational Man, points out: "Hebraism and Hellenism - between these two points of influence moves our world" and what usually happens is that Western culture finds a compromise between them, sometimes shifting in one direction and sometimes in another. We are currently very much into Hellenistic mode in the 21st century which is why the Messianic Community must break out to not only survive but to live. This is a choice between the Hebrew and the Greek way and until the soul has made its mind up, it will be interminably divided against itself.

    Western Approach Hebraic Approach
    Life analysed in precise categories. Everything blurs into everything else.
    A split between natural & supernatural Supernatural affects everything.
    Linear logic Contextual or "block" logic
    "Rugged Individualism" Importance of being part of group
    Equality of persons Value comes from place in hierarchies
    Freedom orientation Security orientation
    Competition is good Competition is evil (co-operation better)
    Man-centered universe Yahweh/tribe/family-centered universe
    Worth of person based on money/material possessions/power Worth derived from family relationships
    Biological life sacred Social life supremely important
    Chance + cause & effect limit what can happen Yahweh causes everything in his universe
    Man rules nature through understanding and applying laws of science Yahweh rules everything, so relationship with Him determines how things turn out.
    Power over others achieved through business, politics and human organisations. Power over others is structured by social patterns ordained by Yahweh.
    All that exists is the material The universe is filled with powerful spirit beings
    Linear time divided into neat segments. Each event is new. Cyclical or spiralling time. Similar events constantly reoccur.
    History is recording facts objectively and chronologically. History is an attempt to preserve significant truths in meaningful or memorable ways whether or not details are objective facts.
    Oriented to the near future Oriented to lessons of history
    Change is good = progress Change is bad = destruction of traditions
    Universe evolved by chance Universe created by Yahweh
    Universe dominated and controlled by science and technology Yahweh gave man stewardship over his earthly creation. Accountability to Yahweh.
    Material goods = measure of personal achievement Material goods = measure of Yahweh's blessing
    Blind faith Knowledge-based faith
    Time as points on straight line ("at this point in time…" Time determined by content ("In the day that Yahweh did…")

    If we are to live the Acts 2 way - and we must if we claim to be Bible-believing Christians moving with, and in, the Ruach - then we have to make a fundamental choice between Hellenic or Greek culture and the Hebrew way of life. I and my family have made an irrevocable commitment to the Hebrew way because I know from personal experiences that most of the woes that Western Christendom has spawned have arisen from this 'Hellenic compromise'.

    For us, then, there can be no turning back - many times I have been tempted to compromise to 'reach more people' or to have 'better fellowship' with other bodies of believers but each time I have entertained such thoughts, or allowed myself to be influenced by them from others, has always been disastrous. WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CULTURAL WAR. The world had been side-tracked into another 'war' - the 'West vs. Islam' but this is a red herring - it's a good cop/bad cop choice and it's being played masterfully by the demonic powers who have control over the political and economic establishments. What a shock both Westerners and Muslims are going to have when they discover that they have been shamefully manipulated and controlled to serve the agenda of an élite minority which cares nothing for either of them.

    Are you prepared to adjust your cultural expectations and goals to make them confirm to the model given in Acts 2:42-47? I ask this not as part of some theological exercise - even though you will have to re-examine your theology to harmonise it with the Word - but because there can be no genuine outpouring and containment of the Ruach unless the Hebraic vessel is in place. We have seen some wonderful revivals in the past but there was no Hebraic vessel to contain the Ruach thus poured out - thus the wonderful revivals in England, Wales, Scotland, the United States and elsewhere all fizzled out in the end. We must learn from them for they were genuine outpourings but this time we must have Messianic Israel in place to receive what Yahweh desires to send. We cannot, for the most part, look to the examples of the 20th century and its pretended 'revivals' because ever since the 1917 Azuza Street 'revival' in which Pentecostalism so-called was born we have seen nothing but one deception after another and ever increasing LAWLESSNESS. If Catholicism had a 'dark age' then the 20th century was certainly Protestantism's 'dark age' too. We have to wash our hands of its baneful influences and let Yahweh build afresh on all truth.

    I would like you to please read Peter's sermon in Acts 3 this week sometime. I don't have time to go into all of it today as I am running out of time. I do, however, want to look at one facet of it to end with today and in do doing dismantle some more of the "lies upon thousands of years of lies" that Pastor Rich Faltisco was told by Yah'shua that Satan has created down here on earth. My text for this little exposé is Acts 3:23 if you would like to follow with me - I am reading from the Amplified Version here:

    "Thus Moses said to his forefathers, Yahweh-Elohim will raise up for you a Prophet from among your brethren (Israelites) as [He raised up] me; Him shall you listen to and understand by hearing, and heed in all things whatever He tells you. And it shall be that every soul that does not listen to and understand by hearing and heed that Prophet shall be utterly exterminated from the people [of Israel]" (Ac.3:23, AmpV; cp. Dt.18:15-19; Lev.23:29).
    I was a bit surprised when I read the Amplified Version's choice of wording for the Greek exolothreuo which the NIV translates 'utterly cut off'. It reminded me of those power-crazed Daleks in the Dr.Who science fiction series who went around exterminating everyone they didn't like. However, the Amplified Version is perfectly correct - this word does literally mean 'extirpate', 'exterminate' or 'destroy'. And if you read the Torah portions which Peter is quoting, you will see that the sense is truly 'death'.

    Moses was, of course, addressing Israelites and saying that those Israelites who refuse to listen to the Messiah and heed what He says, will be cut off, extirpated, destroyed or exterminated. What this means practically-speaking in our day and age is that any descendant of Jacob who refuses to accept Yah'shua as Master, Deliverer and King of Israel ceases to be an Israelite as Jacob was even if he is in blood lineage with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because the essence of what it is to be an Israelite is to do what father Jacob did in order to inherit his new name, Israel - he had to overcome his fleshy disposition as 'Jacob the deceiver' and become 'Israel the prince who rules with Elohim'.

    Peter is reminding us that what makes a Messianic Israelite is faith in, adherence to, and obedience to the Messiah of Israel. The old Israel is gone. Moreover, there aren't 'two' Israels - one for unbelieving Jews and one for believing Israelites and Gentiles. That is a false and pernicious doctrine. Peter himself says so. All Scriptures says so. Those who reject this Prophet-Messiah are not Israelites, Ephraimites, Judahites or anyone else claiming blood lineage from Jacob. We'll be coming back to Peter's discourse in a moment to finish today's address but before we do that it is important that we understand what a 'gentile' is biblically and erase from our minds what the Talmudists have been telling us for the last two and half thousand years.

    It has been my belief now for a considerable period of time that all true believers who are born again of the Ruach haQodesh, whether 'Judahite' or 'Gentile' are, in fact, Israelites by descent biologically. I also believe that Yahweh has purposefully disguised or hidden them in every nation and race so that we will not fall into the carnal trap of judging people by their external features or skin colour. I therefore believe that those true believers whom the Talmudists have labelled as 'Gentiles' are, in fact, Israelites, and mostly of the 'Lost' 10 Tribes. Most of us who have been thus labelled have come to the Messiah through the paganised 'churches' because that's all there has been. Those who have Israelite blood in them, from whatever nation or race they may come from, have one thing in common: they feel irresistibly pulled back to the Hebraic origins of the true faith. Unfortunately, Satan has not been slow to respond to this and has infiltrated Messianic Judaism and Israelitism with many false teachings and practices, in order to sow confusion and send these awakening Israelites scurrying back to the false 'security' of the paganised Christian churches. This is something to be deeply regretted and is one of the reasons this ministry has been called into being.

    Just as the exodus from Egypt consisted of a "mixed multitude" of both true Israelites, Egyptians and other races, so in the end-time - our time - shall a "mixed multitude" come. It is written:

    "O Yahweh, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things' ...Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might; And they shall know that My name is Yahweh" (Jer.16:19-20, NKJV).
    These Gentiles, realising how they have been deceived by the false religions and philosophies of men, therefore seek the only place where all truth is to be found - Messianic Israel. We also read:

    "Yahweh-Elohim declares -- he who gathers the exiles of Israel: 'I will gather still others to them besides those already gathered'" (Isa.56:8, NIV).
    This latter-day gathering is not like the mass assembly and exodus in the time of the Moses. It is to be accomplished in a very different way - in the way we are doing it today. Jeremiah testifies of the method:

    "'Return, faithless people,' declares Yahweh, 'for I am your husband. I will choose you -- one from a town and two from a clan -- and bring you to Zion. Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding" (Jer.3:14-16, NIV).
    Please note this method of gathering well: "one from a town and two from a clan". Notice also that they will voluntarily subject themselves to shepherding. This tells how the gathering is to be done geographically and in terms of families and by whom - Yahweh's shepherds. And remember, we're talking here of the children of the First Resurrection, the Assembly of the Firstborn, the 144,000, those who believe Yah'shua and obey all His commandments, those who receive the Sukkot anointing - we're not talking about the "great multitude" who adhere to the Shavu'ot anointing but who refuse the Sukkot anointing. As far as the firstborn are concerned, there will be one from a town and two from a clan - and a clan, as you know is a group of families with a common surname or ancestor. And whilst whole families may come to Yah'shua and receive the Shavu'ot or Pentecost anointing, only odd ones here and there will come up to the Sukkot or Tabernacles anointing about which I have spoken to you a number of times. But there's something even more interesting about this gathering which totally blows out of the water the myth that the Republic of Israel has anything to do with the gathering or the restoration of Israel of which I am speaking. Jeremiah tells us:

    "In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers" (Jer.3:18, KJV).
    Are you hearing this? Judahites and Israelites (Ephraimites) WILL COME TOGETHER. And where are they coming from? Out of the land of the NORTH. That this occurs at the beginning of the Millennium is confirmed by the verse before which reads:

    "At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of Yahweh; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of Yahweh, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart" (Jer.3:17, KJV).
    Any gathering taking place in the Promised Land today is therefore not a part of the events depicted in this revelation. As I have stated before, I have no doubt that Yahweh is moving true Judahites into the Republic of Israel for a purpose but whatever that purpose is, it has nothing to do with the events described in Jeremiah. The whole earth has to be plunged into war before Judah and Israel-Ephraim return, and that includes the Promised Land currently being fought over by Edomite Israelis and Philistine Palestinians. Let us therefore adhere to the plain Scriptural meaning of these events. We further read of this return:

    "[Yahweh] will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; He will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. Ephraim's jealousy will vanish, and Judah's enemies will be cut off; Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah, nor Judah hostile toward Ephraim. They will swoop down on the slopes of Philistia to the west; together they will plunder the people to the east. They will lay hands on Edom and Moab, and the Ammonites will be subject to them. Yahweh will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind He will sweep His hand over the Euphrates River. He will break it up into seven streams so that men can cross over in sandals. There will be a highway for the remnant of his people that is left from Assyria, as there was for Israel when they came up from Egypt" (Isa.11:12-16, NIV).
    Do you want to know what the signs of Israel's and Judah's return will be? There you have them concisely stated in this passage of Scripture. The Red Sea will be dried up, a scorching wind will sweep over the Euphrates and divide it up into seven streams so that people can across in sandals. Has that happened yet? No. When it does, you will know that the final gathering to the Promised Land is under way and that both Judah - true Judah, that is - and the Ten Tribes - will be coming together and reconciled.

    In the New Testament Yah'shua spoke to the House of Judah but he also said there would be another gathering together:

    "I lay down My life for the sheep. And other sheep (Ephraim) I have which are not of this fold (Judah); them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd" (John 10:15-16, NKJV).
    We commonly in Christian circles speak of these "other sheep" as the "Gentiles". But what did Yah'shua mean by "other sheep"? Did He mean non-Israelites? Are these the "Gentiles" to whom Paul was sent? Well, let's see what Yah'shua Himself said to His apostles:

    "These twelve [apostles] Yah'shua sent out and commanded them, saying: 'Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give" (Matt.10:5-8, NKJV).
    At this stage of the ministry, they were to stick within the boundaries of Israelite territory. Later they would enter Samaria and, after Yah'shua's resurrection, beyond the borders of the Promised Land to the rest of Asia and Europe under the flag of Paul. When a Canaanite woman asked for a blessing from the Master, He replied:

    "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt.15:24, NKJV).
    The parable of the Prodigal Son is understood by many to represent Judah (the elder brother) and Israel (the prodigal son), who wanders wastefully through the nations but returns home in repentance at the end (Lk.15:11-32). The famous Parable of the Sower (Mk.3:4-20) may bear a similar interpretation: the "seed" of Yah'shua's message has spread throughout the entire world through church denominations with varying results, but the "good ground" upon which it falls and ultimately produces abundant fruit represents the Lost Tribes. They finally awaken to their true identity through a paganised, antinomian version of that very message. In other words, from a strictly historical point-of-view, the mission of Yah'shua to "the lost sheep of the House of Israel" is being paradoxically fulfilled through the watered-down version of Messianic Torah Faith which the antinomians (Evangelical Christians) spread around the world. The Bible itself which Protestant Christians have translated, suffered, and died for has functioned as the catalyst for awakening the Lost Tribes and bringing them both to Messiah and, in these times, to Torah.

    It is clear that the complete Restoration of Israel can only be accomplished by the second coming of Yah'shua. We've seen that in the prophecies of Jeremiah and Isaiah - you should also study chapters 34 to 37 in Ezekiel. The work that we have been called to do is preparatory to that Day of Visitation (OB 263:11-12). In the meantime, Yahweh works though those to whom His face has not been hidden, to whom have been given Yah'shua, the Sukkot anointing, the Torah, the Covenant and the Promises. They are 'different' inasmuch as they are separate and yet, for now, in the world ministering to the world:

    "I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations" (Num.23:9, NIV)

    How do you view yourself? Are you willing to "dwell alone" and to "not reckon [yourself] among the nations"? Or are you so steeped in the world that you don't want to be separated, set-apart or made holy from it? To know (yada) Yahweh you must become like a wife to her husband - separated and dedicated totally to Him and to no other man or Elohim. Christians naïvely suppose that upon professing faith that they automatically become the 'Bride of Christ'. But that is not true. A Bride must be prepared and separated so that she belongs wholly to her husband. The Bride of Messiah is not the unconsecrated and unseparated believers. If a bride attaches herself to the world she becomes a harlot but when she is separate, she is chaste, beloved and known:

    "You (Israel) only have I chosen of all the families of the earth" (Amos 3:2, NIV).

    I suspect the lax view that modern believers have in the relationship to Yah'shua is directly related to the West's lax views about chastity and morality in general. Lawless Christianity teaches that Yahweh in Yah'shua has somehow 'relaxed His standards'. It's a lie. Would you wish to relax your marriage standards two-thirds of the way through your relationship? Would you like your spouse to start flirting with members of the opposite sex (or these days, of the same sex too)? Would you be happy with that? Would you consider that indicative of a 'higher' form of marriage? Not if you believe in the Bible, you won't, and not if you believe that Yahweh is the same today, yesterday and forever. That is why we can read the Old Testament and know that Yahweh's standards have not been diminished - if anything, they have become higher. Like it or not, we are still called to be separate, and in our separateness we become the sanctified Bride, beloved and cherished as Israel was when she was true:

    "[Yahweh] has revealed His word to Jacob, His laws and decrees to Israel. He has done this for no other nation; they do not know His laws" (Ps.147:19-20, NIV).

    Here is your cue to get to know Yahweh's laws just as a wife is expected to get to know the rule of her husband so that she, and you, and I can become a treasured possession:

    "For Yahweh has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be his treasured possession" (Ps.135:4, NIV).

    Though Yahweh frequently addresses the nation or community of Israel as a whole, He also speaks to a minority within Israel, a remnant, who know and follow Yahweh despite the failures of the nation as a whole. The idea of a "faithful remnant" in fact goes back to the very creation of Israel itself as a nation. Before Abraham we are told the names of some of the men who "walked with Elohim": Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Job and so on - while the rest of humankind departed into idolatry. This was also the case during the history of Israel in the Promised Land, including during the time of the Judahite exile in Babylon.

    Yahweh has hidden His face from mankind for the most part, and even from His chosen nation Israel - pre-Messianic and Messianic - but He has always had His faithful ones, usually a scattered and unacknowledged minority, but FULLY KNOWN TO HIM. These are those who keep the true Faith and walk in the ancient paths. They truly know, fear and love Yahweh and walk in all His ways. In Elijah's time, when the entire nation of northern Israel had departed completely from the Torah during the reign of the wicked king Ahab, Elijah was told that there were "7,000" who had not "bowed the knee to Baal" (1 Ki.19:9-18). At the lowliest time in Judah's history, when the prophets are told not even to pray for the people, nonetheless Ezekiel is told to go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on those who "sigh and cry over all the abominations" done in the land (Ezek.9:4). Here, then, is a sign of the elect that has been true - rather than being attracted to the world - rather than wanting to make a mark in the world or find recognition in the world they "sigh and cry" over what they see. If your heart is immersed in the Ruach haQodesh you will mourn for the world and desire to lead out the remnant from it, even as it is written. If this desire has departed from you, then it means your heart has been made captive by the world and its prince. And if that is the case, repent!

    Did you know that dozens of the psalms of David are addressed directly to these zadiqim or "righteous ones" of Israel? These men and women are characterised by a deep fear of Yahweh, a reverence for His awesome Name, and they have the Torah in their hearts and are always spoken of as suffering opposition, enduring trial and tribulation, while they wait on Yahweh. These are those who cry out for the Kingdom of Elohim, who want Yah'shua to come back soon, who sigh over the wickedness of society. These are they who "groan" in the Ruach (Rom.8:22-23,26; 2 Cor.5:2,4). This elect group are mentioned throughout the Torah in a number of key texts:

    "Bind up the testimony and seal up the law (Torah) among My disciples. I will wait for Yahweh, who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob. I will put my trust in Him" (Isa.8:16-17, NIV).

    "Hear Me, you who know what is right (zedeq), you people who have My Torah (law) in your hearts: Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults. For the moth will eat them up like a garment; the worm will devour them like wool. But My righteousness will last forever, My salvation through all generations" (Is.51:7-8, NIV).

    "Hear the word of Yahweh, you who tremble at His word: Your brothers who hate you, and exclude you because of My Name ... they will be put to shame" (Is.66:5, NIV).

    "Then those who feared Yahweh talked with each other, and Yahweh listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared Yahweh and honoured His Name. 'They will be Mine,' says Yahweh-Elohim, 'in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him" (Mal.3:16-17, NIV).

    continued in Part 3....

    Part 3

    "Seek Yahweh, all you humble of the land, you who do what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of Yahweh's anger" (Zeph.2:3, NIV).

    Each of these texts relates to the last days. This remnant group of true followers of Yahweh make up the segulah, the 'treasured chosen ones', while Israel and Judah as a whole have rejected Yahweh and His Way. Although they are primarily Israelites the prophets make it clear that the way is open for Gentiles to join with them in their prophetic mission in the last days. The Scriptures emphasise that such Gentiles or "strangers" will come and join themselves to Yahweh, observing the Covenant particularly in the latter days:

    "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to Me; hear Me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David ... Seek Yahweh while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to Yahweh, and He will have mercy on him, and to our Elohim, for He will freely pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways', declares Yahweh" (Isa.55:1-3,6-8, NIV).

    So what does it mean to hold fast to the "Covenant"? The "words of the Covenant" or the Testimony, are the Ten Commandments (Dt.4:13; 9:9-10). Please notice that the SABBATH is singled out in this crucial passage because it is the "sign" or mark of those who have taken on the Covenant:

    "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between Me and the Israelites forever, for in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He abstained from work and rested" (Ex.31:16-17, NIV).

    This was, and is, a creation ordinance, even predating the Covenant of Moses. It was observed by Abraham, and had all nations within its scope. Sabbath-observance is a sign of Yahweh's people in all generations. Do you believe in Yah'shua? Do you believe in the Bible? Do you love Yahweh? Are you observing the Sabbath? If you're not, then you are demonstrating that you do not love Him and are going your own way, taking your own counsel, and following your own fleshy heart. You're making a declaration, in your failure to be obedient, that you are not a disciple because you won't discipline yourself any longer. You're declaring independence from the Most High and saying: 'I'll stand on my own in my own counsel.' Does that show reverential awe for Yahweh? Is that how you worship Him? My friend, if you have departed from His Torah, knowing what the truth is (no longer being ignorant of it) then I guarantee that the Ruach haQodesh has departed also, and that it won't be long - if it hasn't happened already - that you will disobey one commandment after the other until you are in full apostasy. Remember what the Council of Jerusalem told the Gentiles? Observing kosher, keeping sexually pure, and observing Sabbath are MINIMUM requirements for NEW BELIEVERS! If you're not a new believer - if you have been a believer for some time - then I guarantee you are in serious trouble and I'll wager you are breaking dozens of commandments and are in serious drift from Him.

    Now, look, I am not trying to be 'mean' here. I am not trying to rub salt into wounds. Some of you may think you have good reasons for turning away from Him. Maybe you feel He has let you down. Maybe you are hurting. If you are hurting, the solution is never to get farther away from Yahweh but to draw even closer. Why is it that people get it into their heads that drawing away from Yahweh will make things easier? It's one of the commonest mistakes people make. They get infected by the 'freedom bug' that infected Western civilisation in the 1960s through the hippie movement and destroyed it in one generation. Lawlessness never produced happiness. The 'freedom bug', moreover, is intoxicating, and you can be a carrier of it for years while it slowly eats you away without your noticing before it's too late, like the frog being slowly boiled alive. I have seen many people ruined by it. True freedom is in Yahweh.

    Yahweh spreads His true freedom in all sorts of interesting ways. Who would have dreamed that Yahweh would bless all nations through Abraham by scattering the 10 Tribes into all the nations and letting them interbreed with the Gentiles? I know there are many who think this doctrine is fallacious but let me show you why it is true. Let's read Yahweh's promise to Abraham:

    "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" (Gen.12:2-3, NIV).

    These are stupendous promises. For one thing, the promise is to "all peoples", that is, "all nations". But what do you suppose being "blessed" entails? A knowledge of the Scriptures? Of Yahweh? The Hebrew word here for 'blessed' is nivreku and it can be translated as "be blessed" or "bless themselves". But the grammatical form of this verb is very rare - it's called a Niphal Perfect. When used in this form, the word can also mean to "BE GRAFTED IN". In other words, "all nations on earth will be grafted in". But "grafted in" to what or who?

    To understand what this means we need to go to Paul in the 11th chapter of Romans to understand how Gentiles become Israelites. If you're a Messianic, you'll know this chapter well. If you're not, I strongly recommend it because it upsets a lot of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant sacred cows concerning the fictitious entity called the 'Church'.

    In this chapter Paul explains that Yah'shua did not replace the nation Israel with a new entity called the 'Church'. He explains that the nation of Israel, established by Yahweh through Jacob, continues to exist to this day. It is not, moreover, the non-Christian Jews so that you have two divinely blessed entities - 'Israel' and 'the Church'. This is doctrinal schizophrenia.

    Paul explains that when the Judahites of Yah'shua's day rejected Him as the King of Israel, they, as branches of the 'tree' called 'Israel' were broken off so that they ceased being members of the Commonwealth of Israel. In other words, they ceased being Israelites, whether Judahite (Jew) or Ephraimite. Let me repeat this: those who rejected Yah'shua who are descendants of Jacob were cut off from the House of Israel. They're still House of Jacob biologically and by descant but they are no longer House of Israel nor recipients of the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The only true Israel in Yah'shua's day were Israelites (Judahites and Ephraimites) who accepted Him as Messiah, rejected the Talmud, and continued observing the Torah. To these true Israelites - Messianic Israelites - were added believing Gentiles who, through their faith, became adopted sons and daughters of Israel through grafting into the Tree of Israel. Lest these newly adopted Israelites of Gentile origin get cocky and arrogant, Paul gives a warning:

    "If some of the branches have been broken off (unbelieving Judahites), and you, though a wild olive shoot (Gentiles, non-Israelites by lineage), have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, 'Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.' Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief [of the Judahites], and you stand by faith [in Yah'shua]. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if Elohim did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either" (Rom.11:17-21, NIV).

    In other words, don't get arrogant and think you can become 'liberal' as far as Torah is concerned. Your ingrafting is an honour because it means, through abiding the New Covenant of Israel, through your faithful obedience to Torah, you receive the blessings of an obedient Israelite, and these blessings are many.

    So how did all the nations or peoples of the world come to be blessed by being grafted into Abraham? Paul explains to the Galatians:

    "Understand, then, that those who believe [Yah'shua] are children of Abraham. The Scripture foresaw that Elohim would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: 'All nations will be blessed through you.' So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith" (Gal.3:7-9, NIV).

    The Judahites - and especially the religious leaders - were boasting that they were the children of Abraham because of biological descent but here Paul is saying that a child of Abraham is one who has faith in Yahweh as Abraham did and who had the Gospel of Yah'shua the Messiah announced in advance. We become the children of Israel and of Abraham by faith - not passive faith, but active, adhering and obedient faith in the faith.

    "Consider Abraham: 'He believed Elohim, and it was credited to him as righteousness'" (Gal.3:6, NIV).

    What about Sarah? Is there a relationship between believing women with Sarah as between believing men and Abraham? Yes! And you know the scripture well but perhaps need to be reminded of it again:

    "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behaviour of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewellery and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Elohim's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in Elohim used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear" (1 Peter 3:1-6, NIV).

    The sons of Abraham and daughters of Sarah are us - if we do what is right and imitate the faith of these our father and mother, not yielding to fear. If we don't belong to them, then we belong to someone else. And they belong to Yahweh.

    Today we believe in Yah'shua - actively follow, responding in loving obedience - and that faith is credited to us as righteousness too, just as it was to Abraham. Once that faith responds in Torah-obedience, we are grafted into the Nation of Israel - Messianic Israel. We're citizens both in heaven and (in the Millennium) of a nation with borders and a theocratic government.

    This Covenant between Yahweh and His nation is repeatedly renewed. The covenant is a dynamic one because it involves a relationship, just as a marriage covenant does. Even the Covenant given at Sinai at Shavu'ot (Pentecost) was not a static one - it was an ongoing relationship. Moses made an initial covenant in the year of Exodus but it is renewed 40 years later (Ex.24:7-8; Dt.29:1). Then there is a further covenant made at the end of Joshua's rulership (Josh.24:14-25). That same covenant is renewed under Joshua and Nehemiah (2 Ki.23:1-3; Neh.9:38). All these covenants are essentially one because they all refer to the same consecrated partnership between Yahweh and His people.

    What does that partnership or relationship consist of? Christians often talk blithely about the 'relationship' they have with Yahweh without understanding what the Scriptures mean by it. That partnership or relationship begins with trust but also involves:

    1. Commitment to His Torah; and
    2. Dedication to the Kingdom of Elohim.

    The heart and core of that relationship is:

    "I will be their Elohim (Mighty One, Ruler, Master), and they will be My people" (Jer.31:33, NIV).

    This key phrase is repeated many times in Scripture (Lev.26:12; Jer.7:23; 11:4; 24:7; 30:22; 32:28; Ezek.11:20; 14:11; 34:30; 36:28; 37:23,27; Zech.8:8). And as you know so well, this intimate relationship between Yahweh and Israel is repeatedly compared to a marriage relationship (Jer.31:31-33). It is not primarily a legal, constitutional, or dispensational idea because essentially there is only one covenant, and Abraham participates in this same covenantal relationship 400 years before Sinai, and Sarah through Abraham. Notice the language of Genesis:

    "I am El Shaddai; walk before Me and be blameless. I will confirm (establish) My covenant between Me and you" (Gen.17:1-2, NIV).

    And when a soul lays hold of the covenant - enters into the relationship in obedience to all its statutes - that soul becomes a "friend of Elohim" (Jas.2:23; cp. 4:4), he is said to be "walking with Elohim" (Gen.5:22,24; 6:9) because he is intimately participating in the Divine Plan of modelling justice and righteousness (right-ruling) to the world. This is the true and original notion of the 'Abrahamic Faith'.

    Therefore, this idea that racists and exclusivists have is inconsistent with the biblical revelation that the Covenant is not restricted to the national promises of Israel which Yahweh will fulfil regardless "for His own Name's sake" (1 Sam.12.22; Is.48:9). Entering the covenant of Israel can therefore be a wholly individual choice and is a wholly individual choice in the New Covenant of Messianic Israel. Anyone who turns to Yahweh, adheres to Yah'shua and His saving blood, takes up the Covenant, observes the Sabbath and becomes a part of the people of Elohim by supernatural ingrafting (as symbolised by water baptism) becomes an Israelite and a son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah:

    "No one whose hope is in you (Yahweh) will ever be put to shame ... All the ways of Yahweh are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant .... Yahweh confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them" (Ps.25:3,10,14, NIV).

    This is a matter of the deepest and most intimate level of spiritual conversion. This way is open to everyone - to Judahites, to the scattered ten tribes of Israel, and to non-Israelite Gentiles provided they are willing to repent of their sins and turn to Yahweh by faith in His Son, Yah'shua:

    "Yahweh is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth" (Ps.145:18, NIV).

    The word "truth" here - emet - also means 'trustworthiness' and contains within it the sense of 'stability', certainty, faithful and steadfastness. When we speak of biblical TRUTH we mean all these things. If you claim to love the truth, and are embracing it, then these are the attributes of character that you will be manifesting through the supernatural activity of the Ruach haQodesh in your soul. Yahweh has said that He is no respecter of persons (Ac.10:34) - meaning He shows no partiality, no favouritism of any kind, because He looks to the heart rather than on external appearances (1 Sam.16:7). His love is extended to every human being who fears Him. David had this deep, personal, intimate relationship with Yahweh as we see in the yearnings of his heart in Psalm 51:

    "Create in me a pure (clean) heart, O Elohim, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Ps.51:10, NIV).

    This Psalm is probably, more than any Scripture text, a model for individual spirituality in the Bible:

    "The sacrifices of Elohim are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O Elohim, you will not despise" (Ps.51:17, NIV).

    David understands, along with all who love Yahweh, that getting into right relationship with Yahweh involves:

    1. Getting a new heart;
    2. Having the Torah implanted deep within; and
    3. Receiving the Ruach haQodesh.

    Sadly most Christians try to skip #2 because they either do not see, or do not want to know, the relationship between the inner heart and the outer world in which we live and share with others. Consequential religion is resisted by those who wish to remain unseen and therefore unaccountable. That religion which separates inner from outer is what is known as existentialism and it is a blight on truth faith. The Hebrews made no such distinction, as we saw earlier.

    Now such a personal conversion does not require joining any religious organisation or denomination. It cuts across all such cultic labels which are usually more sociological than generally religious. It does not, moreover, require formal conversion to one of the schools of Messianic Judaism or Christianity. Rather, it involves a relationship directly with Yahweh through Yah'shua which is accomplished by the new birth of which I spoke last week and before. It involves the baptism of the Ruach haQodesh which leads to speaking in the tongues of genuine praise. But once this has been accomplished - if this is a genuine anointing of the Ruach - it will lead to an insatiable desire for community life because Yahweh neither made us to be alone without marriage spouses nor did He make families to be alone either. A vertical relationship with Yahweh begins one-to-one but it cannot ever remain there - it absolutely demands a horizontal one with others who are in similar vertical relationship with Yahweh because we are all together a collective or uniplural Bride whom Yahweh views as one or echad. How does this work in practice?

    To become a citizen in Messianic Israel means to become a citizen of a nation. That nation consists of twelve tribes, each tribe consists of clans, and each clan consists of families of which the husband is head. The family is, if you like, the ground level 'Church of God' or Assembly of Yahweh with the husband its priest or pastor. The Torah regulates the association of this society, explains what we are to do as a community in our worship each Sabbath and on the Festivals, how we are to behave towards each other, what is and what is not permitted in the types of relationships between people, and so on. In short, the nation is to live a lifestyle. This lifestyle does not exist simply to create a general uniformity in behaviour, dress, eating habits, worship patterns, and so on. The lifestyle, by virtue of the patterning of Torah, in love through faith, causes a passionate love for Yahweh, a reverence of the Holy Scriptures, and imparts an enthusiasm for sharing the Good News of Yah'shua crucified and resurrected with the unsaved. In doing all these things, deeply rich communities are formed which serve the plan of Yahweh in preparation for the Millennial Kingdom to come because there is a passion for that Kingdom - a Kingdom not only of the heart but an external social one too. Those who "fear Yahweh", moreover, have a deep solidarity with one another. The bond that comes from knowing the true Elohim through His Son Yah'shua, living the Torah, and longing for the Kingdom (Mt.6:10; Lk.11:2) - a Kingdom not of this world system (Mt.18:36; cp. 8:23) - runs deep and tends to obliterate the boundaries of 'religious affiliation' or national, ethnic or social background. As they "speak to one another", there is a strength of fellowship that comes only through the Ruach haQodesh:

    "Then those who feared Yahweh talked with each other, and Yahweh listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared Yahweh and honoured His Name (Yahweh). 'They will be Mine,' says Yahweh-Elohim, 'in the day when I make up My treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve Elohim and those who do not" (Mal.3:16-18, NIV).

    "You will again see the distinction..." The liberals says there is no distinction - so long as we profess Christ and are kind to one another, we are all God's children. But Yahweh disagrees. He goes to a great deal of trouble to tell us the difference between righteous believers and wicked believers - remember, Malachi is addressing Yahweh's people. So how can we tell the difference? By seeing what these professors of faith DO - their lifestyle tells us whether they are righteous or wicked because all we have to do it compare it with the requirements for national living in the Torah. Are they living the Gospel visibly? What does their lifestyle demonstrate? Does it indicate a love for the Kingdom of Yahweh or a love for the world? How do we even know what the Kingdom consists of, especially without the Old Testament?

    Which leads me to bring up an important matter regarding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and the different emphases Christians put on these two parts. Why is there such confusion? Such disagreement?

    Last Yom haRishon (Sunday) Yahweh woke me up and told me something interesting. I started my morning Scripture Study a little before 6 a.m. as I usually do and was reading through the Gospel of John. There is a great deal of sod or mystical material in John's writing that contain a mine of revelation on many different levels of life and living. As I was reading some of the discourses on heavenly symbolic marriage, Yahweh impressed clearly upon my mind the understanding that the Old Testament was the Bridegroom and the New Testament was the Bride of the Bible. The Old Testament is incomplete without the New and like a wife she completes her husband, 'filling him up' much as Yah'shua fills up or completes the Torah. Later that day He showed me that the New Testament was, in fact, two 'books' - the fourfold Gospels representing the Son, and the rest of the New Testament the Ruach haQodesh. Yah'shua came to complete Torah and fulfil parts of it - the Ruach haQodesh came to fill that completed vessel up. The altar of the old tabernacle is still there but there are no more sacrifices on it because Yah'shua was the last sacrifice. That altar is now a feast table:

    "We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat" (Heb.13:10, NIV).

    The Jews will attempt to set up the tabernacle - a new temple in Jerusalem - again but their sacrifices will be in vain. And just as those who ministered in the Temple of Herod had no right to eat after Yah'shua's death and resurrection, so those who do the same in a latter-day temple to be constructed in modern Jerusalem will not partake of the heavenly meal that belongs to those of us who believe in the Resurrected One. The Old Testament needs the New Testament just as every man needs a wife, and every wife a husband, to be complete. We must not only believe in Yahweh the Father, and Yah'shua the Son, but we must also be baptised in the Ruach haQodesh to be complete. That is why Yah'shua told us to baptise in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ruach haQodesh AND teaching them to obey everything Yah'shua commanded the first disciples (Mt.28:19-20). Don't you want the fullness? Don't you want to be complete? I do!

    "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another" (John 1:16, NIV).

    Do you want "everything" that Yah'shua offers? They you've got to obey everything Yah'shua commands. Do you want "everything" that a marriage offers? Then you have got to obey everything that a godly husband commands in righteousness. It's no use balking at some things and then expecting the fullness.

    Next week I want to share some insights on the self-life, how to recognise the symptoms and how to lose that self-life. We will, I hope, come to see and understand how an Abram becomes and Abraham, a Sarai becomes a Sarah, and how a Jacob becomes and Israel. Yahweh may have called you and I as Abram's, Sarai's and Jacob's but He does not mean that we remain so. Yahweh is love (1 Jn.4:8). Since love has an object, we must understand what that object and that objective are - it's us, of course, but not just as we are but as He wants us to be. Until next week, Yahweh bless you all. Amen.

    1 Michael Wells, Sidetracked in the Wilderness: Find the Way Back to a Victorious, Abundant Life (Devotional Life Press, Littleton, CO, 1991), pp.82-83
    2 Brian Knowles, The Hebrew Mind vs. The Western Mind


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