Greetings to our brethren and sisters in Singapore and the Far East where Yahweh, even now, is gathering His remnant people for praise and glory.

In 1989 the Presiding Patriarch of the New Covenant Church of God (B'rit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh) received a prophecy for the Chinese people which may be read in the Olive Branch as Section 127. Click the flag below to see the revelation:

In these last times Yahweh is gathering together a people in Asia for witness and for safety during the coming Great Tribulation when apostacy, anarchy and great evil spread.

The Presiding Patriarch, Lev-Tsiyon haEfraiyim, had the honour of being born in your country which he considers as one of his homes. Singapore is destined to play an important rôle in the New Covenant in the days to come.

If you have been led by the Holy Spirit to this website, we would love to hear from you!

May Yahweh bless!

Created on 4 August 1999
Updated on 4 August 1999

Copyright ©1999, New Covenant Church of God, Box 120, S-671 23 ARVIKA, La Suède