The Definitive Story Told

Inside a New Age Mormon-Essene Fertility Cult



We continue quoting and responding to the slandersite created by Christopher Warren (aka Lev-Zion). (Our responses are in italics):

The Definitive Story Told - Inside a New Age Mormon-Essene Fertility Cult

Christopher Warren (aka Lev-Zion) Modern Witch Hunter

& Self Appointed expert on everyone & everything

Mr. Warren (aka Lev-Zion) begins by claiming to have the "Definitive Story" on the "Inside" of a "Fertility Cult". We object to this claim of his on the grounds that he is a distant and hostile observer with no intimate knowledge of either the inner or even outer workings of our Church. He will henceforth make claims to being privy to the private practices and motivations of individuals unknown to him personally, or only slightly known through brief contact or correspondence. As a self appointed "expert" on "cults", Mr. Warren (aka Lev-Zion) tries to lump Sons Aumen Israel with all the other so-called cults and deviant sexual practices familiar to the western world. He attempts to draw a few indistinct parallels between Sons Aumen Israel and one or more of these icons of evil, and like so many other Protestant "witch hunters" before him, will attempt to persuade the public that all such groups are basically the same and full of perversions and worship of Satan at their core. He appeals to the popular myth of the "satanic group" and seldom fails to imply some devious motivation or perverse practice at every turn.

Ministering to the Victims of SAI and Their Families
Helping Those Caught up in its Web to Break Free
Exposing all False Unbiblical Teachings and Practices

Mr. Warren (aka Lev-Zion) here pretends to "Christian" concern for the poor victims of a terrible cult, invoking in the minds of his readers various newspaper and movie images of half-crazed religious dupes rescued from Charles Manson or Jim Jones like brainwashing cults. He implies dark and sinister mind control techniques, delusion and devilish deception, and other nefarious practices. The truth is that Sons Aumen Israel does not create victims or brainwash its members. The focus of Sons Aumen Israel is personal responsibility, individual development of character, and the practice of personal virtue. No coercion exists, either subtle or overt. Members are encouraged to do their own thinking, have their own opinions, and to hold to their convictions even when they disagree with Church policy. We teach that individuals should never progress faster than they have knowledge, and should never take a step until they have a personal testimony of its correctness.

It is true that Sons Aumen Israel has unbiblical teachings and practices as pointed out by Mr. Warren ( aka Lev-Zion). Like the ancient Nazoreans, Mandaeans and Manichaeans before us, we do not consider the Torah to be divinely inspired. We hold to a parrallel tradition preserved by the true descendants of the early Patriarchs and Prophets, not the tainted tradition from Pharisee Judaism and Roman Catholic Christianity.

In 1999 this site began to receive enquiries from those concerned about what was going on at SAI and this expanded site (2000) is the response to those voices. I am a former victim who lost his wife (and briefly two children) to this cult of religious Don Juans.

It is true that Mr. Warren's ( aka Lev-Zion)"wife" left him and relocated to the Sons Aumen Israel community. Early on in the correspondences with Sons Aumen Israel, Mr. Warren( aka Lev-Zion) had expressed his hope that someone in the community might provide a suitable husband for the unhappy mother of his children. He explained that they had had an unfulfilling and unhappy relationship for many years, which was devoid of the normal husband-wife intimacies. He explained that for years they had planned to separate as soon as the right situation presented itself. When she told him she was ready to follow through on their plan, he agreed to keep his promise and let her go with his blessing. With Mr. Warren's ( aka Lev-Zion) permission she remarried. Mr. Warren( aka Lev-Zion) later came to regret this promise and sought to blame others for his own failed marriage which had, in all actuality, come to an end many years before he had ever encountered Sons Aumen Israel. At this time he swore, by any means possible, to spend the rest of his life trying to destroy Sons Aumen Israel and its founder Davied Israel.

To date we have been instrumental in preventing several families from moving to SAI Acres and also, we hope, a number of family tragedies, as well as breaking up SAI's involvement with a larger Essene organisation through whose public image it sought to achieve credibility and find a source of converts for its secret sexual practices.

Mr. Warren( aka Lev-Zion) again seeks to invoke the image of the family destroying cult in the minds of his readers. By emphasizing this point again and again, he hopes to paint a picture of sex crazed Satanists out to get innocent victims. This characterization of Sons Aumen Israel is totally out of harmony with reality. ( See Testimonials )We honor the family unit and encourage all to support and sustain this honorable institution. We do teach, however, that if one spouse becomes a believer and the other does not, that the believer has the responsibility to eventually move forward in their spiritual life, but never before at least one full year of patient waiting for their reluctant partner to respond.

We have no knowledge of Mr. Warren's( aka Lev-Zion) influence in the parting of ways between an Essene Church and Sons Aumen Israel. This seems like an idle claim. Contrary to Mr. Warren( aka Lev-Zion) allegation that SAI sought credibility by involvement with another Church, the truth is that the Minister of the Essene Church sought out Sons Aumen Israel and requested affiliation with her and personal initiation within its Order, perhaps to deepen the credibility of his own organization. He expressed that although he was head of his own church, he knew he had much to learn from us and requested association. The eventual separation occurred when this minister ceased honoring his promise to view Sons Aumen Israel as an independent and autonomous Order and attempted to rudely give orders to officers of Sons Aumen Israel. When they refused to acknowledge his right to give them orders, he grew angry and disassociated himself and his church from Us. He later requested re-affiliation with us in a group letter sent to several people. In this letter he claimed that he had distanced himself from us because we were "too Mormon" for him. We chose not to re-associate ourselves because of certain outrageous and dishonest claims which had begun to be made by this minister which we considered the result of a super inflated ego and developing "messianic-complex".

Again Mr. Warren( aka Lev-Zion) claims to be privy to the inner motivations involved in SAI's involvement with an Essene Church. He claims the motivation was sexual when in truth our desire was to support another groups activities which had a similar tone as our own. We have a basic policy that different religious groups should find common ground, rather than focus on minor differences. We are always anxious to make affiliations with other bodies of believers - not for sexual, social, or economical reasons, but because it is the right thing to do. We do not believe that the heavens look down with favor on the great disunity that exists among the various religions upon the earth. Sons Aumen Israel stands for ecumnenicalism among all eastern and western spiritual groups as is evidenced by the tone of our official websites.

Our desire and goal is to see all those at SAI come to the biblical truth of our Lord and Saviour Yah'shua haMashiach/Jesus Christ and to renounce the demonic powers that drive the whole system, reunite them to, and help heal, their shattered families. We desire also that its founder and leader Gilbert Clark (aka Davied Israel) be freed.

Our ancient Nazorean texts teach that some of the Bible was revealed not by God but by one Tawus, the "Peacock Angel", who introduced animal sacrifice and other practices abhorrent to a compassionate and loving God. We therefore have no desire to abandon our true and compassionate scriptures in order to embrace a blood filled text revealed by a lower angel rather than the most High God. We believe the Truth makes people free, not adherence to false biblical teachings of Pharisees and Roman Christians. As heirs to the Nazorean Way we stand firm in the traditions taught by Yeshu (Jesus) the Essene Nazarene Christ and reject the changes made to that holy tradition in later centuries.

As probably the foremost experts of what is happening at SAI we are available to counsel anyone, in the strictest confidence, who desires help. Just email or write to us. If you are a former SAI member or an insider struggling to break out and would like to share your stories, please feel free to submit articles to this site.

Mr. Warren ( aka Lev-Zion) again depicts himself as "the foremost expert" when in reality he knows very little of the inner workings or motivations of our church and its members. He implies coercion and brainwashing when he speaks of "struggling to break out" when in reality all members and associates of our Order are encouraged to think and act freely and openly, and come to their own conclusion based on careful analysis and prayer. Mr. Warren's (aka Lev-Zion) characterization of SAI as a typical mind control cult full of perverts would be amusing if it could be divorced from the darkness, fear and hostility such baseless accusations sometimes engender. Unfortunately there are far too many people willing to believe such nonsense and willing to assume someone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. We pray that good common sense and decency will prevail in the hearts of all, and that those anxious to see Satan and Sex behind every bush, in every heart but their own, and in every non traditional church will be seen for the repressed, resentful and fearfilled finger pointers that they are. We also pray that the general public will cease having its attitudes and emotions so easily controlled by this type of dishonest behavior and will grow more and more reluctant to be manipulated by such "Inquisitors" as Mr. Warren ( aka Lev-Zion).

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This page was created on 30 April 2001
Last updated on 30 April 2001

Copyright © 2001 New Covenant Ministries
Box 120, S-671 23 ARVIKA, Sweden