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7. Getting Ready for Riots
Adapted from an article by Mike Adams

Top 10 urgent preparedness items you'll need when radical leftists and criminals in general go "full terrorist" across the USA, setting off bombs, riots and mass mayhem on a scale never witnessed before.

Leftists are brain damaged, of course, which is why they burn down their own communities, not realising the very shops they're torching belong to their own uncles and grandmothers. Those criminally-motivated don't care anyway.

During these riots, leftists always seem to find the nearest white person and start beating them to death. Although such acts are, of course, felony assault, the leftist political establishment excuses the acts as a form of "social justice," meaning no one will come to help you.

The first obvious piece of advice is to stay away from riots. But if you have to drive through any cities for any reason, you might accidentally wind up being dragged out of your car and bludgeoned to death by angry leftist radicals who can't wait to commit mass violence (and even genocide), profiling people based on their skin colour to carry out leftist hate crimes against whites or anyone who opposes them.

For this reason you need to own and carry a loaded firearm if it's legal for you to do so. I recommend the Glock 19 as a good starting point, but some people prefer revolvers for the simple reason that they don't leave behind any shell casings at the scene. Whatever you decide to get, you need to be locked and loaded and ready to defend your life and property if violent, radical leftists attempt to commit felony assault against you.

I'm not joking, and I qualify this by urging you to abide by local laws. If you happen to live in an area where carrying a loaded firearm for self-defense is illegal, then you are living in the wrong state and should get out while you still can. Always abide by local laws and carry a firearm responsibly.

Most people have no idea just how bad things might get during a collapse, and the belief that dialing 911 will magically bring police who can save you is ludicrous. (They will be too busy dealing with all the other crimes happening at the same time.)

So that's item No. 1: A firearm (where legal). As a technical note, I don't like guns with thumb safeties. It's too much effort to screw around with a thumb safety in a moment of panic. Glocks have passive trigger safeties, not thumb safeties, which is one reason why I'm a Glock fan. Also, get some good handgun safety training so you can carry your Glock safely and responsibly. Learn how to disassemble and clean your Glock, and keep it lubricated so it doesn't jam when you need it.

Item No. 2 is, predictably, ammo for the firearm.

If you don't own 1000 rounds of ammo for your firearm, you're not serious about prepping. Do you really think the radical leftist rioters trying to assault you or burn down your house are going to walk away after you've expended that sole 50-round box of ammo you've procured?

Nope, angry leftist zombies will at you come in waves, and there are millions of them. If they're assaulting you, attempting to burn down your house, trying to carjack you or dropping fire bombs on your retail establishment, you're probably going to need more than 50 rounds of ammo. Don't forget the spare magazines, either, which you'll want to have pre-loaded with hollow point ammo rounds for maximum self-defense effectiveness.

Also, I'll share this from experience: Get yourself a good set of ear protectors, or you'll emerge totally deaf after a firefight. Amazon sells this decent set of ear muffs for just $17, with 34dB of noise protection. Trust me, you'll need it when the zombies attack.

Here in Texas, where I reside, no serious citizen has fewer than 5,000 rounds of ammo. It's not uncommon for ranchers to own 20+ firearms and have 20,000 rounds of ammo stored away in various calibers, all for the self-defense of life, property and community. Sheriff's deputies tend to own about 50 firearms and 50,000 rounds of ammo, unless they're too young to have collected that much ammo yet.

Item No. 3 is a good flashlight.

The Fenix TK35 flashlight at the Health Ranger Store is a good choice (960 lumens!), but it's almost sold out. The Surefire E1D LED Defender is also a great flashlight. It runs on the CR-123A batteries, which are lithium (which is what you want).

Why do you need a flashlight? Because the power grid might be down, you see. And while those of us who live in the country always carry flashlights, most city folks don't carry flashlights because they get used to the absurd idea that there's always light at night, no matter where they go. (Truth: There isn't. It's all artificial.)

Just like you'll need ammo for your firearm, you'll also need batteries for your flashlight. Don't go with anything other than lithium batteries, unless you enjoy buying batteries that don't work when you need them.

Item No. 4 is a gravity water filter.

I've tested all the popular brands in my science lab (see WaterFilterLabs.com) and found that the Big Berkey gravity filter out-performed everything else. Once I realised it was the best gravity filter on the market, I started carrying the Big Berkey at the Health Ranger Store.

You need a gravity filter because it works even when there's no power. Obviously, you'll also need to know where to find water within walking distance (and you'll need a way to carry it... consider the utility of a bucket!).

Item No. 5 is an emergency food supply.

Don't buy toxic crap emergency foods loaded with GMOs, pesticides and hidden MSG. Almost everything on the market today is total crap, chock full of chemical taste enhancers, artificial colours and genetically modified soy and corn.

Today, I introduced a certified organic, non-GMO storable food line consisting of near-instant "meals" where you just add water and heat to create super delicious, nutritious meals like Habanero Chili, Pasta Primavera, Mac 'n Cheese, etc. (all organic). You'll want to pick up at least 4 of these buckets. We've got a couple thousand on pallets, ready to ship, but given the way things are getting crazier by the day, I'm now thinking we didn't manufacture enough...

Item No. 6 is emergency sanitisers and medicine

In non-emergency times, most people don't even think about the importance of sanitisers. I'm talking about antiseptic solutions like povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol and even stronger sanitising solutions like Hydrocide germicide.

Why do you need disinfectants? Because most of the medical problems you'll experience during times of social unrest (or even war) are related to common infections.

Yep, living in a war zone, a grid down collapse or even a temporary crisis without antiseptics can quite literally kill you. Simply having a decent supply of basic antiseptics is a lifesaving strategy.

For review, here's what I recommend you own and store in gallon quantities:

  • 1. Isopropyl alcohol
  • 2. Hydrogen peroxide
  • 3. Povidone iodine
  • 4. Household bleach

You can buy all of these at almost any grocery store or pharmacy.

Item No. 7: Physical door security

This one sounds simple, but it's more important than you might suppose. It's a simple device to stop your front door from being easily kicked in by violent leftist mobs (zombies). These devices are called "door security bars" and they either wedge underneath the door handle, or they can sometimes be installed to go across the entire door entry (that's a better system).

It's also a good idea to install stronger face plates which are often called a "security latch strike" or "door strike plate" so that your door is much more difficult to defeat with physical force. Amazon sells this security door frame reinforcement strike plate for $60.

Without a reinforced strike plate, your front door "security" is a total joke. Any zombie can kick it right in, almost effortlessly. (Yes, your door "locks" are probably a joke.)

By the way, a really good piece of tactical advice is as follows: If some would-be assailant is trying to beat down your front door, loot your house and assault you, just remember that wooden doors are not bulletproof. If you are absolutely sure the people beating on your door are bad guys trying to cause you harm, you can technically shoot them through the door if that's your best option to protect your life. Doors are not "cover" from a tactical perspective. They are "concealment," meaning they block line of sight, but not bullets.

Be warned: If you ever choose to discharge a firearm inside a home, apartment or vehicle, you will probably suffer extreme hearing damage. All the guns you see on TV and in the movies are total jokes compared to the actual live violence of a real firearm being discharged indoors. I'll tell you this flat out, but you likely still won't believe me: You will probably end up DEAF in at least one ear, maybe both. Even if your hearing returns, you will have a loud ringing in your ears for many days, possibly weeks. To prevent this, be sure to don your ear protection first.

Shooting the a@@holes who are trying to cause you physical harm is called kinetic problem resolution, or as comedian Bill Burr explains in a hilarious standup bit, "All of a sudden, you ain't got a problem over there no more neither."

REMEMBER: Shooting an aggressor in self-defense is morally, ethically, spiritually and legally justified. By protecting your loved ones against an imminent threat of violence, you are acting in alignment with love for human life. You might even want to utter, "LOVE WINS" as you pull the trigger, because you are protecting those you love from violent leftist criminals who are all about hatred, death and destruction.

Item No. 8: An emergency backup power supply for your mobile phone

Companies like "Hyperjuice" make external battery banks for your mobile devices. There are all sorts of portable "power banks" that can power your mobile devices for hours or even days. This item by Chromo is a 12V car battery booster and mobile device charger all in one. Although I doubt its power capacity would help much on a vehicle battery, it might work if you drive a weenie vehicle of some kind. Mostly, it's just a big battery for your mobile devices (with a built-in flashlight).

Whatever you get, make sure you have a way to provide supplemental battery power to your mobile device and, if possible, a small radio.

Item No. 9: A printed topo map of your local area and a compass

GPS has made us all far too stupid when it comes to navigation. Make sure you have a printed topo map of your local area so that if you have to bug out on foot, you've got some idea of where you're going (and how to get there).

It's also a good idea to have a working compass that isn't a toy. With a topo map and a compass, any intelligent person can navigate out of a city on foot. This assumption, of course, excludes the Hillary Clinton supporters who are too stupid to find their own bungholes with two hands, a stick and a mirror.

If you don't yet have a bug out bag (B.O.B.) for getting out of dodge, you're behind the curve and should probably search GoodGopher.com for some bug out bag advice. Or check out Bugout.news or sites like SurvivalBlog.com.

Item No. 10: Copies of critical documents

I realise this isn't a glorious prepper item, but you'd be amazed how difficult things can be in your life if you don't have copies of your ID, passport, birth certificate or key numbers such as your bank account numbers.

Make copies of all these important documents, then store them in a sealed, secure enclosure of some sort that's weatherproof (even a Ziplock bag can do in a pinch). Make sure these documents are in your bug out bag, or carry digital scans of them on an encrypted thumb drive (like IronPort).

Also, if you're smart enough to own some bitcoin, be sure to have a copy of your bitcoin wallet on an encrypted thumb drive that you can take with you. Otherwise, your bitcoins will not be accessible. And that would suck.

Summary: Be ready for chaos.

For your own safety, make sure you are prepared to defend your life, your property and your community using lethal force where necessary. Forget pepper spray, by the way. We are way beyond the pepper spray stage.

Many patriot groups are arming up to defend America. This is very unlikely to end in a peaceful manner, so I want you to be prepared for your own safety and self-defense.

Above all, I want to be totally clear about all this: I do not condone INITIATING any violence for any reason. Everything I have written in this article is about PROTECTING lives, defending property and halting violence. My aim is to STOP violence using the best tools available today, which include Glocks, which explains why police carry them in the first place.

Adapted from an article by Mikle Adams, 'The Health Ranger' at naturalnews.com (see our Alternative Media website for more links).

ABOVE ALL, GO WHERE YAHWEH TELLS YOU TO GO for there you will be safest. Find NOW, IN ADVANCE, through prayer, your safe location

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This page was created on 13 September 2018
Last updated on 13 September 2018

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